Rescuers Spend Almost $8K To Save Two Kittens With Severe Umbilical Hernias

Rescuers Spend Almost $8K To Save Two Kittens With Severe Umbilical Hernias

Rescuers Spend Almost $8K To Save Two Kittens With Severe Umbilical Hernias

Rescuers Spend Almost $8K To Save Two Kittens With Severe Umbilical HerniasRescuers Spend Almost $8K To Save Two Kittens With Severe Umbilical Hernias

Thanks to the efforts of One Cat At A Time Rescue, two beautiful 8-month-old kittens, Sam and Frodo, were rescued and given a second chance in life. Both kittens had severe umbilical hernias, which required specialized surgery. 

According to the Providence Animal Hospital, an umbilical hernia occurs when the umbilical ring doesn’t close completely after birth, resulting in a soft swelling beneath the skin.

Usually, hernias aren’t serious and can be repaired with surgery as long as they’re detected early.

kitten with herniakitten with hernia
Source: Instagram

Well, that wasn’t the case with these adorable kittens. Their case was more complicated and required treatment in a specialized hospital.

The kittens were at risk of intussusception and other complications that increased the cost of the surgery even more. The total cost of everything for both kittens was almost $8K.

woman holding cat at vetwoman holding cat at vet
Source: Instagram

The rescue organization managed to collect the money as it was very urgent, and they started with Sam, who was in worse condition than Frodo. 

Sam’s treatment required approximately $4,000, covering the surgery, x-rays, tests, consultations, and other expenses. The rescue team said:

“When you take a new case, sometimes, it’s like a surprise bag… you don’t know what’s coming. Sometimes, you see the worst, and it’s not so bad. Sometimes, you think it’s going to be okay, and it’s more complicated than you thought!”

cat with bump for surgerycat with bump for surgery
Source: Instagram

These kittens came from a farm, meaning they were already accustomed to people, which made their transition to the rescue organization smoother. The person from the farm was beyond happy that the rescue team took both kittens, hoping that, after their recovery, they’ll be able to find their forever homes.

kitten after surgerykitten after surgery
Source: Instagram

Fortunately, Sam’s surgery was successful. He was discharged from the vet and went to his foster home. The rescue team shared:

“He is doing very well and we know that we made the right decision to operate our beautiful Sam quickly. We avoided a disaster for him. A new life officially begins for our beloved Sammy. We hope to offer the same life to his brother Frodo…”

kitten almost recoveredkitten almost recovered
Source: Instagram

A week later, Sam was feeling way better, but he still needed time to heal. In the meantime, he also developed conjunctivitis, which needed to be treated properly. He was on forced rest but was allowed to have small breaks with his foster mom.

kitten resting on the bedkitten resting on the bed
Source: Instagram

Following Sam’s procedure, Frodo underwent surgery thanks to the generous donations and the rescue team who took all the responsibility.

tabby kitten before surgerytabby kitten before surgery
Source: Instagram

Frodo’s blood test initially indicated an abnormal kidney value, but thankfully, everything was back to normal after the surgery.

Both kittens fully recovered and became very affectionate. In the beginning, Frodo was still a bit fearful, but he would ask for hugs as soon as he was petted.

Source: Instagram

On the other hand, Sam behaved as if he had been a house cat his entire life. He enjoys all the attention. 

kittens finally recoveredkittens finally recovered
Source: Instagram

Finally, the best news after this difficult journey is that these handsome boys, Sam and Frodo, have found their forever home, TOGETHER! 

Still, it’s all thanks to the rescuers who did their best to help the kittens and succeeded!

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