Cat Was Hit By A Car And On The Brink Of Euthanasia Until A Kind Stranger Gave Him A Chance

Cat Was Hit By A Car And On The Brink Of Euthanasia Until A Kind Stranger Gave Him A Chance

Cat Was Hit By A Car And On The Brink Of Euthanasia Until A Kind Stranger Gave Him A Chance

Cat Was Hit By A Car And On The Brink Of Euthanasia Until A Kind Stranger Gave Him A ChanceCat Was Hit By A Car And On The Brink Of Euthanasia Until A Kind Stranger Gave Him A Chance

Recently, I watched a video about a cat named Mikey. This poor kitty was on the verge of facing the darkest destiny. His story moved me deeply and I’m certain it will touch your heart too.

Mikey’s tale was shared by Stoyan and Dessy, a couple dedicated to rescuing and caring for strays, with a dream to build their own shelter one day.

It all began when Dessy’s mom came across a struggling cat at a nearby playground. This kind-hearted woman had always ensured that strays in her neighborhood were fed, and Mikey was no exception.

However, she immediately noticed that something was wrong with him. Poor Mikey was hit by a car and left to fend for himself. Many people came by but nobody seemed to care enough to offer him a helping hand…

cat standing in sun in front of an old housecat standing in sun in front of an old house
Credit: YouTube

Luckily, not all humans will walk by a kitty in need. Dessy’s mom couldn’t bear to watch this desperate soul suffer anymore and she knew exactly whom to call for help.

Without wasting a second, she contacted Stoyan and Dessy, and the couple immediately came to the rescue.

However, they surely weren’t prepared for what they were about to witness. As they approached closer, their hearts broke into pieces at the sight before them.

injured cat walkinginjured cat walking
Credit: YouTube

Mikey was severely injured. His left paw was mangled and infected and the smell of his rotten flesh was unbearable. The sorrow on his face mirrored the agony he felt, but this caring couple was determined to offer him the care he desperately needed.

However, each time they stepped closer, Mikey would run away. It seemed like this poor cat had lost trust in humans and was too scared to let them get closer. Who could blame him anyway?

Stoyan and Dessy decided to give their best to gain Mikey’s trust and lure him into a cage. This wasn’t hard because he was so hungry that he couldn’t resist the food they offered.

A yummy meal gave Mikey the courage to approach and they finally managed to catch him.

injured cat under the carinjured cat under the car
Credit: YouTube

Without hesitation, the couple rushed to a vet clinic, hoping their buddy would receive the necessary care and soon be on his way to recovery.

However, their optimism was crushed when the vets revealed devastating news. As they conducted X-rays and ran the necessary blood tests, it was discovered that Mikey had feline HIV.

To make things even worse, the clinic refused to provide him with further treatment. Thinking he had no chance to survive, they suggested to euthanize him.

cat closed in her carriercat closed in her carrier
Credit: YouTube

Stoyan and Dessy were both mad and heartbroken, but they refused to give up on their buddy just like that.

They hoped there was a tiny chance that Mikey might defy the odds and get better. So the couple decided to seek a second opinion.

I’m so glad they did! Their perseverance was soon rewarded by a caring team who embraced Mikey’s case and gave him much-needed medical attention.

injured cat being on recoveryinjured cat being on recovery
Credit: YouTube

Surrender wasn’t an option for this vet team. They decided to put all their efforts into nursing Mikey back to health.

Thanks to their devoted care and skills, Mikey’s condition started to improve and his life was no longer in danger. They even spared him from the dreadful leg amputation.

Two weeks later, Stoyan and Dessy returned to check on their furry friend and were stunned by his incredible transformation. His paw was healing perfectly and he gained some weight, which made him look extra sweet and fluffy.

cat getting recovered in cavecat getting recovered in cave
Credit: YouTube

The couple was so happy to see Mikey blossoming into a healthier and happier kitty. He even let them cuddle him a bit.

Though Mikey’s road to a full recovery may take a while, the couple is now sure he’ll recuperate and be his best self.

Mikey will need more time to regain his trust in humans, but Stoyan and Dessy aren’t concerned with this. What matters is that they found him just in time and, luckily, ignored the first vet’s advice.

It’s stories like these that fill my heart with pure joy as they remind me that the world is full of compassionate souls who go above and beyond to save a kitty in need.

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