Man Saves Newborn Kittens After Their Mom Passed Away And Documents Their Journey

Man Saves Newborn Kittens After Their Mom Passed Away And Documents Their Journey

Man Saves Newborn Kittens After Their Mom Passed Away And Documents Their Journey

Man Saves Newborn Kittens After Their Mom Passed Away And Documents Their JourneyMan Saves Newborn Kittens After Their Mom Passed Away And Documents Their Journey

The man from today’s story is what I like to call – a true foster hero. One day, while sitting in his backyard, he heard what seemed to be a faint meow. 

It was coming from a vacant land next to his house, so he decided to investigate. However, once the man came close to the sound he was shocked by what he saw.

hand holding newborn kittenhand holding newborn kitten
Credit: YouTube

A litter of six kittens together with their mom was abandoned in a cardboard box. The man was furious that someone just left them there out in the open. 

He came close to check up on the cat mama and her kittens, only to discover something truly heartbreaking.

Cat mama was no longer breathing. The poor mama crossed the rainbow bridge together with two other kittens, and the man was both livid and devastated by the sight.

The fact someone left them in a cardboard box to await their final moments made his blood boil! The man knew he had to take the remaining four kittens to the safety of his home, and that’s exactly what he did.

The Beginning Of A New Life

bottle feeding a newborn kittenbottle feeding a newborn kitten
Credit: YouTube

The kind man knew the amount of care and time newborn kittens required. Luckily, he was more than ready for the journey. 

Their new foster daddy properly cleaned them and proceeded to bottle-feed the poor babies. At first, the man struggled to nurse them as the kittens were not latching onto the bottle. 

However, he stayed persistent, and soon enough the little furballs were latching like professionals!

kittens sleepingkittens sleeping
Credit: YouTube

Over the next 2 weeks, the little fuzzballs were pretty much just eating and sleeping. Their foster daddy bought them a warm and cozy bed, but their favorite napping spot was their daddy’s hand. 

hand holding the kittenshand holding the kittens
Credit: YouTube

The kind man spent his days watching over the little ones, making sure they were gaining weight and going potty! As he said in his video:

“I will try my best to bring up the kittens and hope that peace will come to them.”

Their foster dad was eager to see them finally open their eyes and take their first steps, and soon the little ones were ready!

Huge Milestones, Tiny Furballs

tiny kittenstiny kittens
Credit: YouTube

After a month in their foster home, the kittens finally opened their eyes! It meant they were past the critical phase, and their foster dad was super happy to see them become more active. 

The adorable bunch slowly started discovering the world around them, however, they still needed a lot of care and attention. Luckily, their dad was there to provide the much-needed love!

kittens playingkittens playing
Credit: YouTube

The kittens soon became little tornadoes around the house. They spent their days chasing each other and jumping around! However, they would exhaust themselves and fall asleep in the most adorable places!

black and white kittenblack and white kitten
Credit: YouTube

Their dad built them a huge cat tower with many hiding spots, and sure enough, it became their absolute favorite place in the house. 

He kept all the kittens together as they waited for their forever homes. In the meantime, the man made sure the tiny furballs had all the love and cuddles in the world!

photo of kittens playingphoto of kittens playing
Credit: YouTube

I’m super thankful this compassionate man found the litter before it was too late. Make sure to watch their adorable journey on YouTube!

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