Stray Cat Without Front Limbs And One Ear Finds A Loving Home

Stray Cat Without Front Limbs And One Ear Finds A Loving Home

Stray Cat Without Front Limbs And One Ear Finds A Loving Home

Stray Cat Without Front Limbs And One Ear Finds A Loving HomeStray Cat Without Front Limbs And One Ear Finds A Loving Home

It’s not uncommon to encounter a stray cat in miserable condition that evokes feelings of pity. Afflicted by all sorts of diseases, harsh climates, and lack of food and shelter, strays often go through a lot of suffering.

However, a street cat missing front limbs is a particularly distressing sight. In a viral YouTube video, a woman shows a poor kitty without front paws she spotted on the street.

stray catstray cat
Credit: YouTube

The struggling feline, unable to run or catch, depended on passersby to feed him. Even eating alone was difficult for this poor kitty without front limbs to support his body weight.

He was not only missing two paws but also an ear. Whatever happened to this unfortunate feline to leave him in such a condition remained a mystery. It could be that he was born this way or that he experienced some sort of trauma.

stray cat layingstray cat laying
Credit: YouTube

The woman felt heartbroken to see the pitiful cat struggling on the street, relying on people to survive. Despite his crippling state, the kitty still harbored love in his heart. He was thankful each time someone offered help.

And he loved to be petted! He craved love just as much as food. His soft eyes were constantly searching for a kind soul willing to open their heart to him.

human touching cat's headhuman touching cat's head
Credit: YouTube

Leaving such a kind and loving heart to struggle and suffer would have been too cruel, so the woman took the cat home. However, her home wasn’t the best solution either, because it was already at full capacity. 

She took him in and promised to find Xiaobawang, as she named him, a loving furever home. With his affectionate nature and irresistible charm, that wasn’t difficult.

woman carresing catwoman carresing cat
Credit: YouTube

Xiaobawang was soon welcomed into a loving family ready to take care of him. His new furry siblings welcomed him with open paws, offering the love he had been craving for so long.

His pawrents showered him with plenty of pets and delicious food he enjoyed immensely. Life was getting really good.

cat without earcat without ear
Credit: YouTube

In this new nurturing environment Xiaobawang found safety and comfort, allowing him to flourish. He learned to embrace and cherish his uniqueness instead of worrying about fitting in with others.

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