Kitten Fights For Her Life After Mama Cat Got Poisoned

Kitten Fights For Her Life After Mama Cat Got Poisoned

Kitten Fights For Her Life After Mama Cat Got Poisoned

Kitten Fights For Her Life After Mama Cat Got PoisonedKitten Fights For Her Life After Mama Cat Got Poisoned

Dessy and her husband are an amazing foster duo. They opened up their home for numerous cats and kittens in need. 

Today’s tale is about a tiny kitten named Lakomka. She was lying next to her mom’s poisoned body when Dessy found her. Poor momma cat was breathing her last breath.

Lakomka had a brother as well, a tiny ginger fellow. Dessy, unable to save their mom, took the two kittens home. She was determined to help them.

newborn kittynewborn kitty
Credit: YouTube

However, Lakomka’s brother was sick. He had trouble eating and had what seemed to be an infection on his belly. Even a vet visit couldn’t help him much. 

Dessy did her best, she was regularly feeding him and making sure his infection didn’t get worse. Sadly, he didn’t make it. Lakomka was now completely alone, she only had her foster parents from that day on. 

kitten getting foodkitten getting food
Credit: YouTube

Dessy was now completely focused on helping this poor kitten survive. She regularly fed her with kitten formula and made sure her weight was catching up. 

Dessy and Lakomka created a very special bond, and the two never left each other’s side.

woman looking at little kitten in blanketwoman looking at little kitten in blanket
Credit: YouTube

With Dessy’s help, Lakomka was now past her critical stage. She started playing around, jumping, and climbing. A real healthy kitten! 

kitty jumping on legskitty jumping on legs
Credit: YouTube

However, one thing made her different from other kittens. She couldn’t understand the purpose of humans touching her. Every time Dessy tried to cuddle her, Lakomka would attack her hands as if they were a huge monster. 

woman holding kitty's pawswoman holding kitty's paws
Credit: YouTube

Believe it or not, that hasn’t changed even once she grew up. Of course, she knows how to enjoy some cuddles, but hands remain her number one enemy!

Considering the bond between Dessy and Lakomka, she didn’t put her up for adoption. She got to stay with them in a loving forever home. She enjoys the big backyard where Dessy regularly plays with her. Such a happy cat! 

cat jumping in gardencat jumping in garden
Credit: YouTube

From losing her momma and brother to becoming a fat happy house cat, Lakomka sure had to fight for it. All of that was only possible with the love and care of her foster parents, as they said in their video:

“We know she loves us and we love her too.”

cat layingcat laying
Credit: YouTube

I am super happy this story had a happy outcome. Lakomka can now spend the rest of her days in a loving home with many other cat siblings!

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