Brave Mama Cat Overcomes Fear Of People And Returns For Her Precious Babies

Brave Mama Cat Overcomes Fear Of People And Returns For Her Precious Babies

Brave Mama Cat Overcomes Fear Of People And Returns For Her Precious Babies

Brave Mama Cat Overcomes Fear Of People And Returns For Her Precious BabiesBrave Mama Cat Overcomes Fear Of People And Returns For Her Precious Babies

A mother’s love is truly powerful. 

Alissa Smith, co-founder of Wrenn Rescues, received a call about rescuing 10-day-old kittens. Shelter workers in Downey, California had already rescued them but needed more experienced help. Alissa shared:

“There were only 15 minutes left, and no one else was able to take them, but thankfully, the networking group got them out safely, and a wonderful woman named CJ transported them all the way out to Ventura County, California to us.”

two cats huggingtwo cats hugging

These kittens were initially spotted in someone’s yard with their mother, who got scared and ran away when people approached.

Ashley, a foster volunteer, and Jenifer Hurt, the rescue’s co-founder, cared for them with bottle-feeding at the center.

“The kittens were very obviously well taken care of by their cat mama. When orphaned kittens land in the shelter, they don’t usually see their mama again. Another important reason to leave kittens where they are found (and wait for the mom), instead of taking them to the shelter.”

many kittens in the cagemany kittens in the cage

Jenifer and Ashley were prepared to bottle-feed the kittens until weaned, but something wonderful happened!

The rescuers who initially brought the kittens to the shelter discovered the mother cat searching for her kittens at their home. They caught her and reunited her with her babies the next day.

four kittens sleepingfour kittens sleeping

When she first came to this California shelter, she was a bit scared and shy until Ashley brought her one of the kittens. 

“I held a baby up to her, and she visibly calmed down. We coaxed her out of the carrier with it. She went right over and curled up in the middle of her kittens, purring. They all went right to her and started nursing.”

four kittens playingfour kittens playing

Mama cat then started purring and nursing her babies. It was such a heartwarming reunion. 

“So unbelievable that this miracle occurred. To say that the reunion went well is an understatement.”

cat with kittenscat with kittens

The following morning, Ashley woke up to the sound of the mother cat purring happily.

mother cat playing with kittensmother cat playing with kittens

She cuddled her kittens, not letting them go. Watch this heartwarming video of the adorable feline family:

“As neonatal kitten foster parents, we do everything under the sun to make our fosters happy, comfortable, and content.”

baby cats laying and sleepingbaby cats laying and sleeping

However, nothing compares to a mother’s love and care.

“She is a patient mom and her gratitude to be back with her kittens is palpable. These are the happiest and luckiest babies.”

cat sleeping togethercat sleeping together

I hope you enjoyed this heartwarming story of an incredible reunion. Despite her fear, the mother cat returned for her kittens, showcasing the incredible power of maternal love

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