New Jersey Man Was Getting Ready For Work When He Heard Faint Cries From His Car Engine

New Jersey Man Was Getting Ready For Work When He Heard Faint Cries From His Car Engine

New Jersey Man Was Getting Ready For Work When He Heard Faint Cries From His Car Engine

New Jersey Man Was Getting Ready For Work When He Heard Faint Cries From His Car EngineNew Jersey Man Was Getting Ready For Work When He Heard Faint Cries From His Car Engine

When Tom, an EMT from New Jersey, was getting ready for work one morning, he probably didn’t have a kitten rescue mission on his agenda. However, that’s exactly what was bestowed upon him.

One day, as he was on his shift at Galloway Township Ambulance Squad, he noticed two tiny kittens on the security camera, chasing each other around the building. 

Since he was an avid animal lover, Tom decided to keep an eye on them to ensure they didn’t get into trouble. 

So, the next morning, before his partner went to start the car, Tom rushed to check if the two kittens had hidden there overnight. 

As soon as he popped the hood open, he came face to face with a little kitten that had been sitting on top of the car engine. 

cat laying on a engine of carcat laying on a engine of car
Source: kizzysplaceinc

The little fella wasted no time and immediately tried to escape into the engine bay. Tom managed to get a hold of him, trying to get him out of the car. 

Even though the feisty fluff put up a fight and desperately tried to hold onto the car, Tom eventually managed to bring him inside, getting a couple of scratches as a souvenir. 

Because he recognized the kitten from the camera, Tom knew his brother was somewhere near. So, he waited for him to make an appearance, and when he did, Tom swiftly caught him. This time, though, with the help of a glove. 

policeman holding a kittenpoliceman holding a kitten
Source: kizzysplaceinc

Tom put both of them in a box, gave them a blanket, and called his girlfriend Emily to inform her about the situation. They decided to bring the two kittens home and take care of them for the time being. 

Since Emily was a volunteer at Kizzy’s Place, a small foster-based rescue in New Jersey, she contacted them and offered to foster the kittens until they were ready for adoption. 

two cats laying downtwo cats laying down
Source: kizzysplaceinc

The two tabbies, named Buddy and Wally, made themselves comfortable in their new home in no time. Once they realized they were safe – they showed their true kitten colors!

They were true lap cats and loved snuggling next to their new parents. However, they were extremely playful, too. Danielle, one of the volunteers at Kizzy’s place, shared: 

“The kittens blossomed in foster care, especially since they discovered toys. Buddy loves string and Wally loves stuffed animals and toys with bells.”

It’s safe to say that Buddy and Wally were in good hands and in a purrfect home!

Meet The Whole Family

Buddy and Wally soon realized they had two older feline brothers, Austin and Arthur. This meant that they had someone to reveal all the secrets of the cat world and teach them all the useful tips and tricks. 

However, apart from enjoying the company of their brothers, Buddy and Wally were completely smitten with another family member: Their canine sister, Arya. 

two kittens and dogtwo kittens and dog
Source: kizzysplaceinc

Arya had always been a cat-friendly dog, so meeting her fluffy newcomers was something she actually looked forward to. She loved hanging out with them and showing them around the house – like a true big sister!

Between the two brothers, it was Wally who showed the biggest interest in Arya. 

dog and cat laying togetherdog and cat laying together
Source: kizzysplaceinc

Being the outgoing one of the two of them, he was always under her muzzle, rubbing his face all over her and following her everywhere, as you can see in this short video made by Kizzy’s Place:

Although more timid than his brother, Buddy also had a soft spot for Arya, as she did for him! 

So, What Happened To Buddy And Wally?

two kittens laying togethertwo kittens laying together
Source: kizzysplaceinc

Tom and Emily were only meant to be foster parents to Buddy and Wally. So, once the kittens were ready and someone showed interest in them, they were supposed to leave Tom and Emily behind. 

On one occasion, Emily expressed her love for Buddy and Wally and said how she hoped their future owners would love them as much as she does. 

Who knew their future owners would actually be – Tom and Emily? 

That’s right! After a couple of weeks of hanging out with their new kittens, the couple decided that they didn’t really mind keeping them forever. So, they decided to adopt them for good!

two domestic kittenstwo domestic kittens
Source: kizzysplaceinc

Emily commented on Instagram:

“We kept them because we couldn’t part from them. Buddy and Wally LOVE their mommy dog (Arya) and their two cat brothers Austin and Arthur! They are doing fantastic and we are totally foster fails.”

Well, I’m not sure about the “foster fails” part, but I can definitely vouch for their benevolence and humanity. With Arthur, Austin, and especially Arya by their side, Buddy and Wally got an amazing forever home.

dog and two kittensdog and two kittens
Source: kizzysplaceinc

We can all learn so much from Tom and Emily. First, always check around our cars in case a feline or two has sought a warm shelter. And second, never fear pet fostering or even potential adoption. 

Sharing our lives with animals is truly joyous and rewarding, but I’m sure we’re all well aware of that!

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