This Cat’s Reaction After Seeing Her Late Best Friend’s Fur Will Will Make You Cry

This Cat’s Reaction After Seeing Her Late Best Friend’s Fur Will Will Make You Cry

This Cat’s Reaction After Seeing Her Late Best Friend’s Fur Will Will Make You Cry

This Cat’s Reaction After Seeing Her Late Best Friend’s Fur Will Will Make You CryThis Cat’s Reaction After Seeing Her Late Best Friend’s Fur Will Will Make You Cry

Humans aren’t the only ones that cats bond with. They can also form strong bonds with their fellow cats or other pets. Such bonds can be very powerful, and these two adorable kitties are living proof of that.

Alesana and Sen, two kitties, were best friends who spent most of their lives together. They were always by each other’s side, playing, cuddling, and grooming each other.

Two cats huggingTwo cats hugging

Everything was perfect and sweet until Alesana was diagnosed with cancer and sadly passed away. She was only 8 years old when it happened, but what hurt even more, was seeing Sen heartbroken after Alesana’s death.

It was a difficult time for Sen because you can’t just explain to a cat that her best friend has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and won’t return anymore. 

Cute cats playingCute cats playing

Their owners were devastated for two reasons: Alesana’s death and watching 4-year-old Sen mourning the loss of her furry friend. Emma Pearce, Sen’s mom, said:

“I think Sen knows she is gone. She often sits at my window next to my front door, just looking out for hours on end. She will also walk around the house, looking into rooms where Alesana would often sit.”

Jar and cactusJar and cactus

But nobody knew what would happen next. The family finally received Alesana’s ashes, paw prints, and a tuft of her fur, and Emma had a perfect idea to help Sen cope with her grief.

She showed the tuft of Alesana’s fur to Sen and waited for her reaction. Sen’s reaction was so adorable and touching that it warmed everyone’s heart! Emma said:

“When she saw Alesana’s fur, she instantly started to lick it and rub her face on it.”

Cat sniffing furCat sniffing fur

Sen clearly recognized that it was Alesana’s fur, and Emma hoped that it would help her understand that Alesana was in a better place and wouldn’t come back. She continued:

“ We try to give her as much love and cuddles as we can, so she doesn’t feel too lonely.”

Emma has shown Alesana’s fur to Sen a few times since then, and every time, the reaction is the same. Because of that, Emma decided to frame the tuft of fur so that the memory of Alesana would live on forever.

Two cute cats on the pictureTwo cute cats on the picture

Besides that, her ashes are also placed in an urn with her collar wrapped around it. So, even though Alesana is gone, her family can still feel her presence and cherish the years they spent with her.

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