Volunteer Group Cooks Thanksgiving Feast For 16 Shelter Animals & 30 Feral Cats

Everyone loves a good meal on Thanksgiving, and the dogs and cats at one rescue shelter in Springfield, GA, are no exception. In fact, these furry darlings may appreciate that meal more than we will ever know. Because when you’re searching for your forever home or living in the wild, such a fine meal from kind-hearted animal lovers can be few and far between.

And with that thought in mind, the Guardians of Effingham Animal Rescue got busy in the kitchen whipping up a delicious spread for the rescue animals at the Effingham County Animal Shelter as well as a local feral colony with a colossal clowder of cats.

A Feast for The Furry

The Guardians of Effingham Animal Rescue are celebrating a win this week, with their Thanksgiving Meal for Shelter Pets initiative coming off as “an absolute success,” according to the group’s Facebook page.

It was the first time the group held the feasting event, cooking four eighteen-pound turkeys, three pounds of fresh carrots and green beans, and 100% pumpkin purée into a delicious meal that would be a treat to any tummy. And that big batch of food went to feed sixteen shelter dogs and cats and a feral cat colony that’s thirty kitties strong. Plus, the Guardians made enough food that these furry sweethearts will get a second meal too. That’s a lot of happy and full bellies to mark this Thanksgiving!

If you want to cook for your pup this Thanksgiving, check out 10 Thanksgiving Treats That are Safe for Your Cat!

Photo: screenshot, WTOC 11

As Guardian’s volunteer Bonnie McIver shared on Facebook, “This was so nice to make a Thanksgiving day meal to deliver to the shelter dogs! Our volunteers are passionate about what we do! We all love animals and helping them!”

And that love shows.

Guardians founder Nikita Dave told WTOC 11, “I wanted to do something that I’d do for my animals because these animals don’t get to see that every day. These people do a great job taking care of them, but I wanted to do something special, to make a difference in their life, for a day.”

Photo: screenshot, WTOC 11

Photo: screenshot, WTOC 11

“We would like to think that one additional rescue group in this area, we can minimize the daily problems in the rescue world.”

And because many of the Guardians volunteers operate rescue programs or groups, they fully understand how much of a difference one kind act can make for animals in need.

Tabitha Moyak, a Guardians of volunteer, said it best, “You have to do it for them, especially when no one else will. You have to make time.”

If you’re interested in getting involved and want more information about the Guardians of Effingham Animal Rescue, visit their Facebook page.

Want to get involved with helping animals this holiday season? Check out these 6 Volunteer Opportunities for Crazy Cat Ladies!

Feature Image: Guardians-Effingham County Community Pets/Facebook

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