This Four-Eared Cat Remains Unadopted Due To His Weird Appearance

This Four-Eared Cat Remains Unadopted Due To His Weird Appearance

This Four-Eared Cat Remains Unadopted Due To His Weird Appearance

This Four-Eared Cat Remains Unadopted Due To His Weird AppearanceThis Four-Eared Cat Remains Unadopted Due To His Weird Appearance

If you’re a genuine cat lover, you won’t judge this special kitty too harshly, unlike others who have encountered him. 

This is Yoda, a two-year-old domestic cat with a unique and unusual appearance. Yoda was born with not two, but four ears. 

Despite this mutation, he is in good condition and has great hearing. Sadly, this special gray boy named Yoda wasn’t always lucky. He was put up for adoption along with his brothers and sisters. 

yoda, a cat with four earsyoda, a cat with four ears

However, due to his unusual appearance, everyone turned him down and chose another cat from the litter instead. Consequently, eight-week-old Yoda became the only kitten from the litter without a home. 

I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and the same holds true for this four-eared cat too. He remained alone because he hadn’t yet met his true owners.

photo of yoda, the four eared cat, and his ownerphoto of yoda, the four eared cat, and his owner

One day, Valerie and Ted Rock spotted Yoda in a cage at a Chicago bar. When they first saw this unusual cat, they immediately fell in love with him. Eventually, they adopted the kitten and named him Yoda, after the pointy-eared Star Wars character.

close-up photo of yoda the catclose-up photo of yoda the cat

The first step after the adoption was to take Yoda to the vet, who was astounded after seeing the four-eared kitten. Valerie said:

“We have spoken with other vets in our acquaintance, and they likewise had never encountered anything like this. We began to realize that we had something very special. As a result, he has been an indoor cat and has a chip installed in case he gets lost.”

After realizing their beloved Yoda is very special, the couple feared someone might kidnap him. Cats with this or similar conditions are extremely rare, but not unheard of. 

yoda,a healthy cat with four earsyoda,a healthy cat with four ears

In fact, sources reveal that in 2004, a six-month-old cat with two extra ears was put up for adoption at an animal shelter in Germany; amazing, isn’t it?

So, Yoda’s two extra ears are probably a result of a genetic mutation. However, the important thing is that these ears don’t harm or hinder him or affect his hearing. 

yoda the cat with extra earsyoda the cat with extra ears

Despite his unique and unusual appearance, Yoda also has a huge heart and an incredible personality. He’s a lovely, brave, affectionate, and curious cat who’s happy to be around his family, enjoying the best life ever!

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