11 Signs Your Cat Might Actually Be Your “Baby”

 There comes a time in many feline-lover’s lives when their cat becomes more than a pet, not “just” a cat, and most certainly part of the family. When your kitty nuzzles your neck or gazes up at you with those big, curious eyes, you can’t help but melt. Here are 11 signs that you love your kitty like she’s your baby.

1. It all starts with her first toy.

It becomes her favorite, and she looks so cute while snuggling her number one stuffie

cat and stuffie

2. And because she’s so adorable when she’s playing, you keep getting her more toys until her collection starts to look like this:

Soon you realize she’s got more toys than most kids! And yet she gets so much more use out of them–or at least you’d like to believe. So you get another idea…

cat and toys

3. You start to let the cat use the kids’ playthings!

And before long, Felix prefers human toys over catnip. Let’s just say he’s advanced.

cat with toys

4. He loves warm, cozy spaces so much, you begin to tuck him in at night…

Because your little green-eyed baby loves to cuddle! Kitties deserve to be comfy, too. Right?? Right.

Cat blanket - Imgur

5. And when he jumps in your bed, he’s so cuddly that you don’t shoo him away…you tuck him in, instead. (He’ll just keep jumping back in there anyway!)

You kicked him out the first couple of times (maybe when he clawed your feet under the covers), but then you realized that both of you were being deprived of a warm, fluffy snuggle session.

cat in bed

6. Since she loves blankets and beds so much, you get this wild, crazy idea: maybe she’d like to cat nap in her very own crib…

I mean, it works for babies, right?

Cat in crib

7. And since she has her own crib, she’s got to have her very own set of PJ’s.

You can’t go wrong with a Christmas onesie. Look how happy she is!

cat onesie

8. Then there are those times when you take your meower on long strolls, and a carriage is by far the best way to travel.

It keeps her comfy, contained, and in a space that’s perfectly nap-able.

cat carriage

9. And on the subject of travel…you get your feline a carseat for all your road trips together.

Safety first! Plus, you pack extra diapers for those long journeys that don’t allow time for rest stops.

cat in diaper

10. It’s really no wonder that you gaze at your kitty as if she’s your kid…

She’s sweet, adorable, and she doesn’t talk back!

cat gaze

11. Because your cat completes your family, and you can’t imagine life without her–EVER!

High-fives to that!

cat high five

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