Stray Kitty Gets Rescued And Reveals Her Charming Crooked Smile

Stray Kitty Gets Rescued And Reveals Her Charming Crooked Smile

Stray Kitty Gets Rescued And Reveals Her Charming Crooked Smile

Stray Kitty Gets Rescued And Reveals Her Charming Crooked SmileStray Kitty Gets Rescued And Reveals Her Charming Crooked Smile

A woman gave a stray cat the opportunity of a lifetime. She took in the cat and gave her a chance to heal. The cat soon revealed how beautiful her crooked smile is.

This goofy cutie was taken to the veterinary clinic as soon as she was rescued. She was in bad shape, suffering from different infections, including Calicivirus, which caused tissue loss around her mouth.

Ahsen, a compassionate woman, heard about the cat’s condition and went in to see her. The cat was extremely dirty and sick, but the moment she saw her new visitor, she jumped to her feet and put her paw through the crate. 

“They said she was too small and wouldn’t last, but she persisted.”

Ahsen couldn’t bear the thought of leaving this poor kitten behind. She took her home and provided her with a safe space to heal. 

She named the kitten Zombi and decided to give her best try to succeed in her healing process. Ahsen cleaned Zombi’s mouth and began the treatment at home. 

Zombi still had a long way to go… Her mouth was crooked due to infections, but Ahsen cleaned it regularly and treated the wounds. Zombi was pleased to have a caring person like Ahsen looking after her. 

Soon after, Zombi ate without showing signs of pain, for the first time ever. She was drinking out of a water fountain as well. 

Zombi soon started acting appreciative and well-adjusted, and her unique personality started shining through. She began soaking up all the attention she was getting from her foster mom.

With time, Zombi put on some healthy weight and had her two lower teeth extracted, so she could eat a lot easier as well. She wasn’t in pain anymore, and her mouth was healing nicely. 

As Zombi’s condition was getting better and better, Ahsen felt better too. It was clear that Zombi would make it so, Ahsen proceeded to make her an official member of her family. 

After almost two months of treatment and recovery, Zombi was finally ready to meet her family. She joined her feline friends who instantly accepted her. They played together the moment they met, and there was no fuss at the “dinner table.”

Zikri, the tuxedo, was the one that captured Zombi’s attention the most. They bonded immediately as if they’d known each other since forever. 

“Being able to help animals like Zombi makes me happy. It is an invaluable feeling to be able to say ‘we succeeded’, to see their change, and to be instrumental in this.”

Zombi now brings joy wherever she goes with her adorable smile. 

Zombi lives life to the fullest, and we could all learn a thing or two when it comes to that!

Follow her journey on Instagram and feel free to share this story with your friends!

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