Mother From Oklahoma Borrows An Orange Cat From A Stranger For Her Kids’ Garfield-Themed Dinner Party

Mother From Oklahoma Borrows An Orange Cat From A Stranger For Her Kids’ Garfield-Themed Dinner Party

Mother From Oklahoma Borrows An Orange Cat From A Stranger For Her Kids’ Garfield-Themed Dinner Party

Mother From Oklahoma Borrows An Orange Cat From A Stranger For Her Kids’ Garfield-Themed Dinner PartyMother From Oklahoma Borrows An Orange Cat From A Stranger For Her Kids’ Garfield-Themed Dinner Party

Parents will go to great lengths to make their kids happy, won’t they? They’re always ready to go the extra mile to bring smiles to their children’s faces and create cherished memories during their childhood.

With that being said, I think this mom from Oklahoma rightfully earned the title “The Best Mom” because of the sweetest gesture she made for her kids.

Believe it or not, she took to the Internet to ask if anyone would be willing to lend her an orange cat for her kids’ Garfield-themed party. 

orange cat with crownorange cat with crown
Source: Clara Edwards

Clara Edwards is an Oklahoma mom with a knack for bringing her kids’ imaginations to life. She recently found herself on a unique quest after her oldest daughter, Madison, expressed a wish for a lasagna dinner. 

In an interview with Business Insider, Clara said the following: 

“Our oldest, Madison, just wanted to eat lasagna. We cooked her lasagna and she got sad because Garfield wasn’t there. That’s what really started it.”

Many people (myself included) at first thought she was planning s birthday party, but in reality, it was just a regular dinner. 

Wanting to make the dinner experience memorable, Clara turned to the Internet, hoping to find someone willing to lend an orange cat to make her lasagna dinner feel just like a scene from a Garfield comic.

garfield and catgarfield and cat
Source: Clara Edwards

Initially, Clara reached out to her friends and family to see if they had or knew someone with an orange cat. 

When that didn’t yield any results, she turned to Craigslist and even posted a flyer at her office. The flyer read:

“Wanted: to BORROW an orange cat for 24 – 48 hours, to have a lasagna dinner with Garfield-loving 4-year-old and 2-year-old children. Will return cat happy and cared for. Cat will not be required to eat lasagna if contraindicated. Please. No feral cats. And please take your cat back at the end. Not looking to adopt. Thank you, An increasingly desperate (but not crazy) mom-of-two with no friends that own orange cats.”

After two months of searching, Clara finally found luck on Craigslist when a medical student from the Oklahoma City area responded to her ad.

Christi and Conor, the cat’s proud owners, were more than happy to help Clara. They even agreed to attend the lasagna dinner party, bringing along cupcakes with orange icing to match the theme. 

cat and cookiecat and cookie
Source: Clara Edwards

Clara was overjoyed with their response and willingness to lend their beloved feline companion to a complete stranger. Thanks to their generosity, they not only put smiles on the children’s faces but also gained new friends. As Clara said:

“They’re really great people, and we’re still in contact. My kids get to meet a cat, and we have friends now.”

children under the bedchildren under the bed
Source: Clara Edwards

The focal point of the dinner party was, of course, lasagna – Garfield’s favorite meal. After seeing viral posts about Clara’s themed party, the Stouffer’s reached out to her, offering to donate their delicious frozen lasagna for the occasion. 

What an amazing party it turned out to be, right?

cat and childrencat and children
Source: Clara Edwards

When asked about the party and her sweet gesture, Clara remained modest, saying that moms often go to great lengths to make their kids happy. 

While it’s true that moms are known for their dedication and creativity, Clara’s willingness to welcome total strangers into her home for the sake of her kids is truly remarkable.

What are your thoughts on this heartwarming story? Would you go to similar lengths to make your kids happy? Let me know in the comments below.

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