Texas Cat Lost During Maine Traffic Accident Shows Up 11 Days Later

A Texas family, a terrifying accident, and the triumphant return of a beloved lost pet came together last month to create what some are calling a real-life Homeward Bound.

The Tally family was on the adventure of a lifetime last month when tragedy struck. While driving along a highway in the Pine Tree State of Maine, a tire on the family’s motorhome blew out, causing the caravan to tumble down a nearby embankment.

Fortunately, none of the family members were harmed in the accident, though their motorhome was totaled beyond repair. The Tally family, in a state of shock, suddenly realized that their beloved cat, Max, was nowhere to be found.

Max’s family, along with responding officers and employees of the tow truck company, began to search high and low for the missing cat. They searched the motorhome, the embankment, and the nearby forest, but they were devastated to learn that Max had disappeared, as if into thin air.

“We had kind of prepared the kids at that point that he probably wasn’t going to be found,” said Kelsey Tally.

The family returned home to the Lone Star State, fearing they would never see Max again. Meanwhile, the motorhome was taken to a storage yard, where it remained for eleven days.

The Tally family spent the following days in a state of shock and sadness, grieving their beloved cat’s loss and praying for his continued health and safety.

Nearly two weeks after the accident, the Tally family received an unbelievable phone call:

“On day 11, we were finally back in Texas, and I got a phone call from Maine, and Brian answered, and it was Wayne. And he said you’ll never believe what happened,” said Tally.

“One of my drivers had dropped the vehicle off at about 10:30 and heard a loud meow from a cat, and he thought that was in the parking lot messing with him, and then this big black cat came running out near the motorhome,” said Bouchard of Dosties Towing Company.

While unsure whether Max spent his eleven-day adventure in the abandoned motorhome or the woods, the Tally family could not believe the news and immediately went to work figuring out logistics for bringing Max home.

“They. Found. Max. THEY!!!! FOUND!!!! MAX!!!” – Kelsey Tally

Many people, strangers-turned-friends, jumped at the chance to be a part of such a miraculous story. Contributions from the tow truck company employees and new friends came together, and, nearly two weeks after his disappearance, Max was reunited with his family.

The Tally family hopes that Max’s story of bravery and perseverance inspires readers to believe in miracles:

“This is a literal answer to prayers.” said Tally, “(we) prayed last night again for Max to come to our home in Texas. Such a small detail. God is in the small details. God is good, and He is still working 11 days later. We looooove you, Max.”

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