Australian Woman Travels For Free By Pet-Sitting “One Cat At A Time”

Madolline Gourley is a writer, traveler, and self-described cat lover. She has managed to fund her worldwide travels in the most unique and innovative way: pet-sitting cats. 

In a blog dedicated to her amazing travel adventures, Gourley explains that she finds pet-sitting jobs in her goal destinations through popular housesitting sites such as Trusted Housesitters or Mind My House. She then offers to trade her services as a pet and house-sitter in exchange for free accommodation. 

Gourley estimates that traveling this way has saved her at least $28,000 over the past five years. After all, accommodation is easily the most expensive part of travel. In the United States, the average cost of a hotel room is $90-100 per night. And for a traveler who is looking to spend days or weeks in various destinations, that can definitely add up!

By pet-sitting for family cats, Gourley is able to stay in her travel destinations without spending a dime on housing. And while there are various other expenses that she pays for with her 9-to-5 (airline tickets, food, etc.), Gourley explains that she has been able to travel more than she ever thought possible due to the kindness of families who need a reliable sitter for their beloved pets. 

And past clients seem to be 100% satisfied with Gourley’s pet-sitting expertise. Several testimonials are highlighted on her travel blog: 

“Maddy is the most thoughtful house sitter we’ve ever had! I got multiple updates everyday with the best pictures of our little kitties ♥”, said one family, “I am beyond grateful to have found Maddy! Anyone would be lucky to have her care for their home and cats! Thank you!”

And despite the competition, Gourley believes that she lands these gigs successfully due to her experience and pure love for cats: 

“I’ve had cats since I was little and my mum is a big cat fan, too. She’s also had cats all her life,” said Gourley, “When I found out about the whole house/pet sitting for accommodation thing, I only wanted to do it looking after cats because I’ve only ever cared for cats.”

Gourley documents her travels on Instagram and will often share photos of the adorable kitties she watches during her adventures. Gourley hopes that this self-made enterprise will continue to grow so that, maybe one day, she can travel the world this way without having to return to a day job (a dream we all share).

Featured Image: Instagram

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