TikTok Cat Mom Goes Viral Thanks To Cat Safety Warnings

As cat parents, we’re always trying to give our kitties the best lives possible. One way we do this is by staying on top of cat safety. And thanks to cat mom and foster Katrina Roberts, we’ve got another great resource in cat care.

Katrina lives in Great Falls, MT, and fosters cats through animal rescue Pet Paw See. Since she’s social media savvy, her boss at the rescue asked if she’d create some cute kitten content with her fosters.

So, she did. And people took notice!

Katrina told KRTV Great Falls, “The second one that I uploaded just blew up, so it was extremely cool.”


Once she started posting videos on cat safety, more people noticed and soon Katrina found her TikTok had amassed a 6-figure following. “I hit 100,000 followers last week which was really insane.”

Though Katrina only created the account just a few months ago, her followers value the information this busy cat lady shares. Though she works, goes to school, and fosters, Katrina wants to help everyone keep their kitties cared for and safe. Recently, she’s educated us on the dangers of lilies and salt lamps.


Lilies are More than Toxic to Cats, They Can Be FATAL

“I just posted a video a while back of why you can’t have lilies in your house if you have cats.”

As lovely as lilies are, they don’t belong in homes with cats. Katrina explained, “Even a little bit of pollen on the fur can lead to kidney failure and death.”



And Katrina is correct. Melanie McLean, an FDA veterinarian, reports, “The entire lily plant (leaf, pollen, and flower) is poisonous to them…even if they just eat a couple of leaves or lick a few pollen grains off their fur, cats can suffer acute kidney failure within a very short period of time.”

Don’t risk it and stick with other cat safe flowers.

In a Strange Surprise, Salt Lamps Aren’t Good for Cats Either

Regarding Himalayan sea salt lamps, those are bad for cats, “really bad,” according to Katrina.

“If they decide to lick them, because they’re cats and they might, it can cause sodium poisoning.”

Again, she tells us true.


The experts at CatHealth.com tell us, “Ingesting too much salt causes the water to be pulled out of the tissues and into the bloodstream. That includes the fluid around the brain, and salt toxicity can cause severe neurological issues.”

So, like those lilies, “throw the salt lamp out. Stay safe.”

Follow Katrina and her foster cats to learn more about keeping cats safe!


Keep your kitties safe! #cat #fyp #staysafe #dontdoit

♬ Backyard Boy – Claire Rosinkranz

H/T: www.krtv.com
Feature Image: @lemonletter/TikTok

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