Amazing Footage: Coast Guard Resuscitates Kitten After She Nearly Drowns

In Marsala, Italy, the Coast Guard saved the day for one tiny kitten!

According to ABC’s WFLA, a group of children notified the officers that a kitten had fallen into the water. Miraculously, they found the kitten–but she appeared lifeless. Despite what looked like a hopeless situation, they performed mouth-to-mouth and CPR on the tiny kitty in hopes to resuscitate her.

Then, a minute later, they realize that their efforts were successful as the kitten finally inhales. “She breathes! She breathes!” they exclaim in the video.

This amazing rescue was caught on tape.

(Note: Even though there’s a happy ending, this video may be difficult to watch. If you’d like to skip the clip, check out the post-rescue screenshots below!)

The video ends abruptly, but WFLA reports that the kitten, named Charlie, received a clean bill of health from the vet. She’s also been adopted by the Port Authority.

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Image Source: Screen Shot via WFLA
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Image Source: Screen Shot via WFLA


Thanks to the officers who took the time to save a life, no matter how small! You’re one lucky kitty, Charlie!

(h/t: WFLA)

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