Cat Reunited With Owner Thanks To Security Cameras


Kip, the wayward cat.


When most people buy a security system for their home, they do so to watch for intruders. However, Dawn Beveridge-Garber used hers to find a missing family Member.

On April 2, Kip, Beveridge-Garber’s 12 year-old-cat escaped out a window of his owner’s home. Being a declawed, indoor houscat with missing teeth, she was desperate to find him.

She posted flyers offering a reward, engaged the support of family and neighbors to search for Kip and contacted local animal shelters, even the police.

For three long nights, she slept with the window open and her head next to the screen in the hopes of hearing Kip outside.

It was after the third night that Beveridge-Garber, an AT&T employee, had a fantastic idea: to use her AT&T Digital Life security system to try and find Kip. AT&T Digital Life is an all-digital, fully integrated, wireless home management system, giving customers flexibility to manage their home from their smartphone, tablet or computer. Beveridge-Garber programmed her Digital Life system to notify her via text messages when her cameras detected motion or recorded video.

She left some food out to entice him and pointed the camera at the location where she was hoping Kip would appear.

“If they detected motion, they would text me, take a snap shot and then video” she explained.

Then, on the evening of April 5, she got a text.

“When I got the text saying that movement had been detected on the camera, I tried not to get too excited since I had all but lost hope,” she said.  “I opened the message and went to the gallery to see what caused the notification.”

Image from Digital Life Camera of Kip

Image from Digital Life Camera of Kip

“It was then I saw Kip!  I literally jumped up screaming, ‘It’s him, he is out there; it’s really him!’  I can’t recall a time when I was so relieved or filled with emotion. It was an Easter miracle to us made possible by the amazing technology of Digital Life.”

Have a rescue story? Email me at [email protected].

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