Stray Kitten Chooses Yorkie To Follow Home And He Encourages Her Every Step

Dogs are well known for their loyalty. Some pups show their faithfulness instantly, while others gradually develop that kind of commitment. Yorkies make wonderful dogs. They are playful, energetic beings who love to keep their humans company. Because of their devotion, they are also known to be excellent protectors. In this heartwarming story and addictively adorable video posted below, we meet a Yorkshire Terrier who is a very good boy! He’s so good, in fact, that he shows his true nature to a friend in need.

While on a walk with his mom on a rainy day, a Yorkie suddenly has a strangler approaching close behind. The pup isn’t deterred by this new acquaintance. In fact, he’s quite pleased. The pup turns around to see a teeny-tiny kitten on his trail. It’s obvious that the kitten chose him for a reason. The fluffy, young Calico kitten is homeless and desperately needs a place to stay warm and dry.

She’s so small that she struggles to keep up with the dog. But the Yorkie doesn’t allow her to suffer. He stops walking, turns back to look at her, and encourages her to keep up. He slows his pace to match hers, and the duo continues on their way. The pup’s human, in awe of this new relationship, accepts the kitten, too. It’s time to head home!

With the rain falling, they cross the street to get to the Yorkie’s house. The kitten must jump up a curb to reach the front porch. She struggles again, but the patient and already loyal dog waits for her again. He cheers her on as she uses all her might to climb up.

Now it’s time to get inside and warm up! But there’s another hurdle: the front porch has a step, and the doorway has a threshold. OY! The kitten has to climb again. The dog watches closely as the little cat successfully enters the house. The swoon-worthy video below will make your day. We promise! Don’t ya just love dogs?!

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