Cries For Help Lead Workers To A Helpless Cat And Her Kitten Trapped In A Cardboard Compressor

Cries For Help Lead Workers To A Helpless Cat And Her Kitten Trapped In A Cardboard Compressor

Cries For Help Lead Workers To A Helpless Cat And Her Kitten Trapped In A Cardboard Compressor

Cries For Help Lead Workers To A Helpless Cat And Her Kitten Trapped In A Cardboard CompressorCries For Help Lead Workers To A Helpless Cat And Her Kitten Trapped In A Cardboard Compressor

Recently, employees at a wholesale company heard a strange sound coming from the cardboard compressor. Intrigued and deeply concerned, they investigated the source of the noise, only to be completely shocked by their discovery. 

Believe it or not, the sound eerily resembled desperate meows pleading for help. The workers immediately knew they had to act fast.

cat and kitten stuckcat and kitten stuck
Source: RSPCA

The workers contacted their management who quickly reached out to their local rescue organization, asking for urgent assistance. The rescue team arrived promptly and began their investigation. 

After a short search, Inspector Vicki Brooks discovered a tiny hole at one end of the container – with a cat’s face peeking out. Can you believe that? 

Brooks was shocked, not only to find a cat inside but also to hear desperate kitten cries coming from behind her. It was clear another feline needed urgent help.

close view of mother catclose view of mother cat
Source: RSPCA

Inspector Brooks figured out that the mama cat had probably entered the container to give birth in what she thought would be a safe, warm, and dry place.

Unfortunately, as the container continued to be filled, their escape route was blocked by accumulating cardboard.

The possibility that the little family had been trapped there for days without food or water was unfortunately very high.

truck full of carboardstruck full of carboards
Source: RSPCA

In order to free the mama cat and her poor kitten, the company employees had to dismantle the entire machine and then sift through piles of cardboard for hours.

However, they were all more than willing to undertake this effort to save the furry duo. Inspector Brooks eagerly joined the search as well.

cardboards in a truckcardboards in a truck
Source: RSPCA

Although the task was challenging, the rescue team refused to give up. They worked tirelessly all day and most of the night but eventually had to pause and return the next morning. 

Fortunately, they were able to feed the famished mother cat through the tiny hole in the container.

feeding a catfeeding a cat
Source: RSPCA

When they returned the next morning, they discovered that the mother cat had managed to free herself thanks to the progress they made the previous day. 

However, she had left behind her kitten, which meant their mission wasn’t yet complete.

very sweet kittenvery sweet kitten
Source: RSPCA

After countless hours of dedicated work and careful maneuvering, rescuers finally reached the kitten and brought him to safety. They named Biff and immediately took him to the nearest vet for a thorough check-up. 

Recalling the entire event, Brooks said that it had undoubtedly been the most extraordinary rescue mission in her 21 years of experience.

“I don’t know how the cats managed to survive. There was tons of cardboard packed tightly up to the ceiling of the container and no room for them to move. It was incredibly hot, and there would have been limited air. Mum had obviously not eaten for at least a couple of days, and all the while she was trying to feed and care for her newborn kitten. They could so easily have been crushed by falling cardboard or succumbed to the heat.”

very cute kittenvery cute kitten
Source: RSPCA

Unfortunately, Biff’s mom was nowhere to be found. However, her disappearance didn’t discourage Inspector Brooks, who remained determined to find her.

Brooks’ colleague, Joanne Macdonald, who also helped with the rescue, said:

“We’re obviously concerned about his mum, and we’ll be working with another charity to try and trap her.”

kitten drinking a milkkitten drinking a milk
Source: RSPCA

Somehow I’m sure they’ll be able to track the mom, catch her, and reunite her with her baby boy, Biff. 

In the meantime, we can all take comfort in knowing that Biff is well taken care of. After enduring so much at such a young age, he truly deserves to be loved and to enjoy the benefits of a loving forever home. Don’t you agree?

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