Tiny Paralyzed Kitten Learns To Walk Again And Becomes A Foster Dad

Last year in January Marie found out on her doorsteps a tiny kitten inside a laundry basket. He was covered in his own urine and feces, crawling with fleas. The poor tiny kitten was under two punds and paralyzed. Maria was in shock but immediately put him in her arms and took him inside. She named him Charlie.

Marie had never been in a situation like this before and didn’t know what kind of responsibilities would come along with the paralyzed kitten. Despite all these Charlie was very active and joyful so Marie just couldn’t give up on him.

When she took him to the vet they told her that a good thing for Charlie would be to euthanize him but for her that was not an option.

After taking him to emergency department the surgeons suggested a good surgery for Charlie. Sadly the surgery cost was $10.000 -12.000 and Marie didn’t have this amount of money so she started a GoFundMe page. After sharing Charlie’s story she managed to raise more than the money she needed within 24 hours.

Several days after the sucessful surgery, Charlie was able again to walk on his four legs. Marie couldn’t describe her happiness seeing him running and jumping around full of joy.

For Marie, Charlie was a big motivation for her to continue saving other kittens in need. She said : “Without Charlie, I don’t think that I would have had the guts to follow my dream of animal rescue. I am so thankful that I was able to take him on”.

We are very lucky to have humans like Marie and all the GoFundMe people who helped to make Charlie happy again!

Share Charlie’s story with family & friends and let us know on the comment below what are your thoughts for Maries action.

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