Old Boy Peanut Looks Different, But He Still Gets Up To The Usual Cat Mayhem

Just look at Peanut!

He’s a handsome tabby cat with a different look about him. With his pinched ears and oblong eyes, Peanut wears an expression of constant astonishment. When asked how her tabby boy came to exhibit such an appearance, Peanut’s mom, Sydney Benham, told Metro.co.uk, “When I adopted him, the shelter said that it was a birth deformity.”

But have no worries for this unique cat because “the vet and the shelter said it doesn’t affect him negatively at all, he just looks funny!”

And while he may not look like other cats, his Instagram and TikTok reveal him to be “an old man capturing the hearts of everyone around him.”


Love at First Unusual Sight

When Sydney was looking to adopt a second cat, she headed to a shelter in Michigan and, as soon as she saw Peanut, she knew they were meant to be together.

“I fell in love immediately and knew I needed to take him home,” shared Sydney.

Peanut landed in the shelter with eight other cats after the death of their owner. His eight housemates had already gone on to their forever homes, and Sydney explained Peanut “was the last one that needed to be adopted and I just couldn’t leave him.”


Though Peanut is partially blind and deaf, the eight-year-old tabby is still a healthy boy who loves ruling his forever home. Just like other kitties, Sydney reports Peanut loves to cause the usual cat mayhem.

He demands food as any self-respecting cat might, “he will meow at me in the kitchen until I feed him or just shake his food bowl so he knows there’s food in it.”


And like other kitties, he follows his mom everywhere, “especially the bathroom, he doesn’t like when I’m in there and he’s not.”

When it comes to jumping on the tables, oh, he’s a naughty cat who hops right up, but “he won’t get down by himself. Refuses.”

Yep, sounds like a spoiled cat to us!


But beyond pampered, Peanut proves that cats who look different live just as happily and fully as any other feline. Sydney hopes others see that too.

“Adopting Peanut was one of the best decisions of my life. He actually is the reason I kept living when I did not want to.”

What Does Peanut Look Like?

Followers on social media have offered thoughts on what Peanut resembles and the outcome is comment gold, prompting Sydney to post a TikTok with all the comparisons she’s seen about her boy lately. From a rabbit to a renaissance painting, the suggestions are hilarious! Enjoy some fun with Peanut…


H/T: www.metro.co.uk
Feature Image: @oldboypeanut/Instagram

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