Depressed Dog Spent Two Years Alone In A Shelter ‘Recognized’ A Familiar Smell

After being saved from the streets this adorable dog ended up at El Arca Animal Partido de Mar Chiquita, in Argentina, where volunteers were quickly charmed by her personality. Silvia Ferreyra, one of the volunteers felt a connection to the dog. Despite her demeanor potential adopters consistently overlooked her because of her age.

Pakitas situation seemed bleak as she spent her days in a kennel, which led to sadness, isolation and a significant weight loss as she refused to eat. The volunteers at El Arca Animal Partido de Mar Chiquita were deeply concerned about her well being. 

Despite their efforts over the span of two years they struggled to find her a home. They resorted to using media to share Pakitas photo and story on Facebook. Faced challenges as Pakita was nervous and often retreated into a corner making it difficult to capture a good picture.

Then came an unexpected turn of events!

“We received a message from a woman who claimed that the dog belonged to her son and that he had been searching for her!”

Ariel Naveira had come to terms with the idea that Pakita would never come back after all this time. However his hopes were reignited when his mother came across the Facebook post, about Pakita.

Ariel, filled with disbelief made a decision to visit the shelter the day.

When Pakita was brought out by the volunteers and shown to Ariel he immediately identified her. Initially hesitant and uneasy Pakita sniffed around before realizing the truth and reuniting with Ariel in a moment captured on video.

Pakita joyfully dropped to the floor her tail wagging eagerly as she eagerly awaited her persons arrival. Despite being separated for two years she quickly recognized his scent, face and touch.

The moment he finally arrived after all that anticipation felt like a dream come true for both Pakita and Ariel. Their unbreakable bond was evident, in their heartwarming reunion. A reminder of the connection, between humans and their cherished pets.

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