Dog Given Away For Free, Has Bite Marks On Her Face When Turned Up At Shelter

A dog that was offered for free on Facebook was eventually found at a shelter two weeks with injuries much to the concern of a rescue group.

Trixies heart wrenching tale was shared by Happy Tails Animal Rescue as a reminder to dog owners about the risks of advertising their pets for online.

The Australian rescue organization stated;


“Trixie, a six month affectionate pup has already faced the harsh realities of this world. Her previous owner couldn’t care for her. Decided to give her through a Facebook post to what was believed to be a ‘good home.’ Unfortunately the individuals who claimed to provide that ‘good home’ immediately blocked Trixies owner preventing him from checking on her… And it wasn’t until two weeks later that Trixie turned up at the pound with severe facial injuries.

“In the image you can see how swollen this puppys face was… She had been used as bait in training dogs, for dog fighting. The pain and suffering she must have endured during those two weeks after being handed over to this called ‘good home’ are unimaginable.”Upon learning about Trixies situation we swiftly retrieved her from the shelter. Arranged for her to be transported to Brisbane, a journey spanning six hours. In the photos, from yesterday you can observe that the swelling has subsided, though significant scarring remains. She is currently under medication and receiving check ups at our clinic.

Trixie is seeking a home without other pets as she has endured considerable suffering and requires a serene environment to heal and regain trust in humans. While we believe she will eventually warm up to dogs she is presently anxious and timid making a pet free environment ideal for her recovery.

If you are able to offer this pup a start, from pain and fear but filled with love and support please reach out to us promptly! Trixie is currently located in the Brisbane/Ipswich area.

Additionally remember that if rehoming your pet becomes necessary it is crucial to involve a rescue group or shelter. Ensuring your animal goes to hands is paramount.

RSPCA Queensland is actively investigating Trixies case providing her with the care she deserves.

Trixie has been placed in a home, in Brisbane, Queensland where she is thriving. She continues to undergo treatment, for her lacerations to prevent infection. Will be seeking a home once she has fully healed.

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