Cat Shot With BB Pellets Multiple Times Courageously Fights For Survival

Cat Shot With BB Pellets Multiple Times Courageously Fights For Survival

Cat Shot With BB Pellets Multiple Times Courageously Fights For Survival

Cat Shot With BB Pellets Multiple Times Courageously Fights For SurvivalCat Shot With BB Pellets Multiple Times Courageously Fights For Survival

This cat’s remarkable transformation will leave you speechless! From the moment the rescue team took her in, she had her guard up. Most likely due to the mistreatment she had endured from humans up to that point.

They named her Thalia and discovered that she had been shot with BB pellets at least three times. It was heartbreaking, to say the least. However, the dedicated rescuers over in San Bernardino, CA, work tirelessly. 

Once they rescue a cat, they go all in to give them a fighting chance!

a beaten black cata beaten black cat
Source: YouTube

The Cats of San Bernardino, a nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing the most at-risk cats, was alerted about Thalia by the local shelter.

Despite her being on a euthanasia list, these compassionate rescuers were determined to provide her comfort and a sense of safety:

“Not only did we want her to be warm and comfortable, we wanted her to feel safe.”

the vet cleans the catthe vet cleans the cat
Source: YouTube

Even though Thalia had to be hospitalized, her condition improved significantly day by day. She was showing remarkable progress, and her will to survive was evident. As one of her rescuers noted:

“You could tell that she had the fight in her to survive.”

the woman is holding a black cat in her armsthe woman is holding a black cat in her arms
Source: YouTube

Gaining her trust proved to be a slow and challenging task, but the rescuers were patient and loving. They placed her in a large, comforting bed near the fire, where she would snuggle up for hours. 

a black and white cat with a red bruise on its nosea black and white cat with a red bruise on its nose
Source: YouTube

Thalia’s physical recovery progressed quickly, but her emotional recovery and socialization required more time. 

However, with love and patience, she grew healthier, happier, and more open to cuddles. In just 10 months, Thalia transformed into a completely different cat, ready for a forever home.

a black and white cat with its head down in the arms of a womana black and white cat with its head down in the arms of a woman
Source: YouTube

She gained weight and allowed her foster parents to pick her up and cuddle with her. That was the moment they realized it was time for Thalia to find her fur-ever family.

However, once the guy who wanted to adopt her came in to meet her, the rescue team was a bit concerned. 

“Thalia hadn’t met many men before, so I was kind of concerned how she was gonna react.”

a man is holding a black and white cat in his armsa man is holding a black and white cat in his arms
Source: YouTube

Although there was some initial concern when a man came to adopt her, it turned out to be unnecessary. Thalia immediately felt the love and gentleness of her new human daddy, and she now enjoys a loving home and even has a feline brother to play with.

two cats eat from bowlstwo cats eat from bowls
Source: YouTube

Thanks to the kind-hearted rescuers in California, Thalia now enjoys a perfect life and a cozy home to call her own. 

Her journey was challenging but rewarding, a testament to the power of compassion and dedication. Her story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest times, hope and kindness can work miracles and turn lives around.

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