Cat Who Returned To Shelter Five Times Finally Finds A Loving Human Ready To Spoil Him

Cat Who Returned To Shelter Five Times Finally Finds A Loving Human Ready To Spoil Him

Cat Who Returned To Shelter Five Times Finally Finds A Loving Human Ready To Spoil Him

Cat Who Returned To Shelter Five Times Finally Finds A Loving Human Ready To Spoil HimCat Who Returned To Shelter Five Times Finally Finds A Loving Human Ready To Spoil Him

Every cat lover out there knows that our feline friends can be quite demanding, but hey, they’re also creatures of habit. If you stick to their routine, especially when it comes to feeding, they’ll be as sweet as pie.

I can’t fathom anyone giving up on their beloved kitty just because they seemed “too needy.” But, alas, the story I’m about to share is precisely that! 

Meet James Bean, the darling little kitty who found himself back at the shelter not once, not twice, but five times!

black and white cat laying on a bedblack and white cat laying on a bed
Source: Reddit

Now, let me tell you about James’ remarkable journey to finding his forever home. This dapper tuxedo kitty went through quite a rollercoaster ride before finally finding a loving human to share his life with. 

After all those ups and downs, James Bean is finally one happy camper. His new owner, a kind soul who posted their story on Reddit, shared:

“He was adopted from San Francisco Animal Control. He’d been returned no fewer than 5 times because he was ‘too demanding.’ Two years later, and he’s the most loving cat I’ve ever had.”

black and white cat sleeping in a boxblack and white cat sleeping in a box
Source: Reddit

On the day he arrived at his new home, poor James probably had his doubts. He couldn’t be sure how long this would last, but this time, things were different, and it didn’t take long for him to realize that.

cute cat laying on a backcute cat laying on a back
Source: Reddit

After thoroughly exploring every corner of his new home, James Bean fell head over heels in love with it. 

He finally felt like he belonged, like he was going to stay. He found a cozy laundry basket to snuggle in, a coffee table to play hide-and-seek under, and most importantly, a loving human to keep him safe. It just felt like home.

cat hidden in clothescat hidden in clothes
Source: Reddit

Now, James did have a few requests, mind you. He craved love, attention, and belly rubs! But this time, his human was more than willing to pamper him to his heart’s content.

black and white cat laying on the floorblack and white cat laying on the floor
Source: Reddit

James is just your typical, sweet, and affectionate kitty, seeking the same things as any other cat out there – some yummy food, a little attention, and lots of cuddles from a loving owner. 

And now, he’s a purring ball of happiness who never leaves his owner’s side. As they put it:

“He loves staring meaningfully at me while I work.”

After enduring so much hardship, being abandoned at the shelter five times, James Bean has finally hit the jackpot! He’s found his happiness and love in his forever home.

cat and bowl of watercat and bowl of water
Source: Reddit

In his spacious new digs, James’ favorite sleeping spot is always right next to his owner. As they lovingly shared:

“Two years after adoption, and this is his favorite sleeping spot.”

human with tattoo and black and white cathuman with tattoo and black and white cat
Source: Reddit

I hope you’ve enjoyed this heartwarming story with a happy ending. Always remember that the lives of our furry companions are in our hands, so if you’re ready to take on the responsibility of caring for a pet, please do so with all your heart.

Feel free to share this touching tale with your friends and help spread the word so that stories like James Bean’s don’t happen again.

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