Moon The Dog Beams Love & Support On 3-Pawed Kitten Peg

Moon the dog has a soft spot for kittens who need some extra TLC. And tiny tabby kitten Peg needed some serious love and care after losing a paw.

At ten days old and weighing only 172 grams, Peg the kitten needed surgery to amputate an injured back leg and part of her tail. The procedure would save her from the infection that threatened to rage through her small body and kill her. But her young age made the surgery a risk in itself.

Veterinary nurse and foster mom to Peg, Kate Hayes knew the choices were limited for the kitten. But she saw something shining strong and bright in the little one. A fierce will to survive. Surgery was the right choice for the little fighter.


“The only choice we had was to amputate her leg sooner rather than later as her leg was so badly infected and had started to essentially die risking her going into sepsis,” explained Kate.

Being the youngest kitten to go through surgery at Warwick Veterinary Hospital, Kate worried about Peg. “I honestly didn’t think she would make it through surgery being so young and so small, but she did”.

Dr. Fiona Smith and her amazing medical team, which includes Kate, worked their magic and Peg came through surgery like “an absolute superstar”!


Home to a Doting Dog Foster Dad

Coming home to foster care with Kate, Peg found the perfect buddy waiting to help her recuperate. Moon the dog!

Taking care of kittens with Kate, Moon has proved time and again to be the best foster dad for babies in need of some extra love. “If an animal is crying or sick, Moon will stay beside them and cry with them. He has such a kind nature,” Kate shared with Love Meow.



Regarding his foster dad status, Moon told his Instagram followers, “Being a kitten dad is very tiring.”

But judging by the look of contentment both he and Peg wear in all their photos together, it’s easy to see Moon loves his job and the tiny kitten.

Under Moon’s care, Peg has gained 60g in just four days and grows “stronger by the day.”


Moon and Kate both agree, “Peggy is the epitome of strength.”

And thanks to the love of a good dog like Moon, Peg continues to thrive on her three adorable paws!

Feature Image: @cute_moonbear/Instagram

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