Cute Cat Nicely Requests a Pat from Owner

Anyone who has a cat will attest to the fact that they are truly unique creatures. While cats may seem aloof and composed, beneath the surface lies a personality bursting with love, clinginess, goofiness, and a bit of wildness.

Yes, cats are fully capable of love.

Image Source Credit via YouTube

This is something dog owners often don’t grasp. Dogs express their affection in the most obvious ways—like their excitement when you come home and showering you with kisses and cuddles. Cats, however, tend to be more subtle. They are fiercely independent and value their personal space, but that doesn’t mean they don’t crave affection from time to time.

Unlike dogs, cats decide when they want affection. You’ll know they’re in the mood when they start rubbing against your legs and hands or when they curl up on your lap for a nap. Because cats are so selective about who they show affection to, it feels extra special when you know you’re one of their chosen ones.

If you are your cat’s favorite person, be prepared to be asked for affection regularly.

Image Source Credit via YouTube

This was certainly the case in an adorable video we found on YouTube. Mavi, a bi-colored cat, loves being petted. His owner, Laura, affectionately calls him Tuxedo Cat because his black and white fur makes it look like he’s always dressed in a tuxedo.

Mavi became an internet sensation when Laura uploaded the heartwarming video of him to YouTube. The charming clip shows him politely asking for attention, and since it was posted in 2016, Mavi’s cute antics have been viewed by over 22.6 million people worldwide.

Image Source Credit via YouTube

At the start of the clip, Laura and Mavi are cuddled up on the couch together. Laura is petting Mavi, showering him with attention, which he clearly enjoys. But whenever she stops, Mavi wants more. While some cats might get annoyed by this inconsistent attention, Mavi remains polite. He gently extends his paw and nudges Laura’s hand.

“Pardon me miss, I can’t help but notice that neither of your hands are petting me. I am sure this is some sort of mistake.”

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

The gentle nudging always works, and Mavi knows exactly how to get his way. The blissful expression on his face as Laura resumes scratching him is priceless.

But then Laura stops again, and once more, Mavi politely asks for more. Laura then demonstrates what happens if she doesn’t immediately give in to Mavi’s requests. She tries to ignore his persistent attempts, but as he begins to paw her face, she ultimately gives in and gives him the attention he desires.

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