Blind Dog Surrendered to Shelter Alongside His ‘Seeing Eye’ Cat

Imagine relying on your senses every moment of the day. Our five senses—touch, sight, smell, taste, and sound—are crucial for daily activities, from eating to bathing. Now, picture life without one of these senses; it would be a significant adjustment. This challenge isn’t exclusive to humans; animals face it too.

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Animals that lose their senses often depend on humans or other animals for survival. Such support can be a lifeline. Spike, a blind dog, was fortunate to have Max, his constant companion and guide.

Spike and Max, both eight years old, had spent their entire lives together. Max acted as Spike’s “seeing-eye” cat, guiding him through their outdoor adventures. Their partnership was vital for Spike’s survival, and they did everything together—eating, playing, and sleeping.

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Their owner, unable to meet their needs, decided to surrender them to Saving Grace Animal Society, hoping they would find a better home. “We got a call [regarding] an older dog and a cat on their property that they said, given these colder temperatures, they just weren’t sure if they were having the right quality of life and they were able to provide for them as best as they could,” explained Erin Deems, the shelter’s Executive Director, to Global News.

At the shelter, staff quickly noticed the duo’s close bond. Max would lead Spike on walks, with Spike following closely by sniffing his friend. The shelter decided that Spike and Max should be adopted together.

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Adopting both pets posed challenges. Spike’s dependence on Max due to his blindness, their outdoor living experience, and their age made the adoption process more difficult. Potential adopters often prefer younger pets, thinking they have more time with them. Despite these obstacles, the shelter was committed to finding them a home.

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

After thorough vet checks, Spike and Max were listed for adoption. They quickly attracted interest due to their endearing nature and strong bond. Within a week, they were adopted together by a family in Manitoba.

Their quick adoption highlighted that many people cherish animals regardless of their disabilities. Spike and Max finally found the loving home they deserved, demonstrating the enduring kindness and empathy of animal lovers.

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