Dog Anxious When Family Goes Away, Hidden Camera Catches Cat Comforting Him

When you’re feeling down or stressed, having a friend to lean on can be a huge comfort. They can calm your nerves and remind you that everything will be okay. That’s the beauty of friendship.

Joule, a lovable and sweet dog, knows this well. She struggles with anxiety, especially when left alone. Her journey to overcome this began when Brenna Eckert adopted her. Brenna shared Joule’s story with The Dodo, mentioning, “Joule had a lot of anxiety when we first adopted her. We worked one-on-one with a dog behaviorist to help work through some of her issues.”

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Although progress has been made, there’s still a way to go. Brenna describes Joule as a “velcro dog,” always needing to be close when the family is home.

Not long after adopting Joule, Brenna brought home an orange tabby cat named Kelvin. From the moment they met, Joule and Kelvin became inseparable friends. Brenna humorously noted, “The animal shelters had given each of them a temporary name before we adopted them. Kelvin’s shelter name was Socks and Joule’s shelter name was Sandals. How ironic that Socks and Sandals make such a great pair!”

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Brenna loved their bond but didn’t realize just how strong it was until she set up security cameras at home to monitor things while at work. The footage revealed a heartwarming sight: Kelvin comforting the anxious Joule throughout the entire day.

“We noticed that Kelvin and Joule were laying on the couch together almost every day,” Brenna shared. “I moved the camera to get a closer view of the couch and was amazed to see that they weren’t just sharing the couch, but they were snuggling up against each other.”

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When Brenna first shared the video, she captioned it, “This happens literally every weekday for the full 8 hours we’re gone.” It’s clear that while Joule is the one being comforted, Kelvin enjoys the companionship just as much.

“Kelvin’s personality is very mellow and sweet,” Brenna explained. “He loves sleeping and being warm, both of which he gets by snuggling up to Joule during the day.”

Sign Petition Today: The Cruelty By This Man Is Unthinkable.

He Microwaved His Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten to Death and Threatened To Kill Her Next

A horrific case of animal cruelty and domestic violence unfolded last year in Fargo, North Dakota. The details are disturbing and tragic. The abuser was sentenced to prison, but we must ensure he never terrorizes another person or animal again.

Now, Kelvin and Joule have their own Instagram account, where fans can see their adorable snuggles. Thanks to Brenna’s decision to install those security cameras, we get to enjoy the cute moments that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.

“They only snuggle with each other like this when we are not around,” Brenna said. “If we are home, Joule wants to be with us, so she basically ignores the cat.”

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