Meet Bustopher Jones: A Maine Coon Cat That Was Born To Impress

Meet Bustopher Jones: A Maine Coon Cat That Was Born To Impress

So, everyone meet Bustopher Jones: A Maine Coon cat who will steal your heart!

How did Bustopher Jones get his name?

We are great fans of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, CATS and so when we knew we were getting a Tuxedo Maine Coon we decided we would call him Bustopher Jones after the larger than life, corpulent and over indulged Tuxedo in CATS. That said, Bustopher Jones is nothing like the big Tuxedo from the musical in stature of personality. Bustopher Jones is a large cat (22 lbs ..and still growing) in keeping with his breed. He is extremely agile and very fussy with his food (grass-fed beef only).

I know that Bustopher Jones is a tuxedo cat—is he full of cattitude?

Bustopher Jones definitely has cattitude. On one hand, he is such a big floofy, smoocher, generous with his kisses and ear nibbles, but he also has a cheeky and mischievous side. Bustopher is a real parrot cat and loves to ride on my shoulders every chance he gets. He makes us laugh with his cheeky antics.

How would you best describe his personality?

Bustopher Jones is a really gentle and loving soul. He has not one mean bone in his body. He just exudes love and makes it very hard to pass by him without giving him cuddles and kisses. We were told he was the one in his litter with the big personality and they weren’t wrong!

He seems to love the camera, when did you notice he was such a meowdel?

Bustopher Jones is definitely photogenic but contrary to how he appears in his photos, he is camera shy and the snaps I managed to get of him are usually ones I’ve managed to snatch when he is unaware. He has such a regal look and his long glossy coat lends itself to a look of opulence.

Does he have any other cat or dog housemates at home?

Bustopher Jones is one of 3 Maine Coons and a domestic rescue cat. Bustopher Jones is the baby of the family and shares a home with his cousin Matoskah, a white Maine Coon who weighs in at a massive 26lbs. Sadly Bustopher Jones and our rescue cat, Biggie Smalls have been arch enemies ever since Bustopher Jones started to grow in size. We think it is a territorial issue and that Biggie Smalls feels threatened by Bustopher’s size. We keep a close eye on when our rescue is around him – Bustopher is definitely a lover not fighter!

Source: cattitudedaily

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