iilla. Ex-Feral Special Needs Kitty Named Mau Mau The Cartoon Cat Is Uniquely Purrfect .iill

iilla. Ex-Feral Special Needs Kitty Named Mau Mau The Cartoon Cat Is Uniquely Purrfect .iill

I believe that all cats are beautiful. It doesn’t matter what they look like, each cat is truly an individual and special in its own right. One ex-feral cat named Mau Mau, she’s almost like a real-life cat cartoon. She’s very expressive and has unique features that you can’t help but love.

If you’re the type of cat lover like me who can appreciate cats that are different, you’ll be sure to see the infinite beauty in this special little girl. Mau Mau’s start to life is somewhat of a mystery. But this petite cat is now living out the rest of her nine lives happily with her adoring human in Norfolk, England.

Mau Mau the Cartoon Cat

Mau Mau the Cartoon Cat

How did Mau Mau come into your life?

After I lost my elderly cat last summer I knew I wanted to adopt a rescue, so I called around local rescues and feline care had a great system where you complete a form and they try to match a cat to you and they gave me a callback and the first thing they said was ‘I think we have the perfect cat for you but she’s a bit weird’, which I immediately said sounds perfect for me. I went to visit her the next week and brought her home a few days later, I loved her as soon as I saw her 😊

How did Mau Mau get her name?

The rescue named her Mau Mau, I’m not sure why, but it suited her so well that I didn’t want to change it and it’s also quite similar to the sound she makes at dinner time!

Mau Mau the Cartoon Cat

Mau Mau the Cartoon Cat

What is her personality like?

She is the tiniest cat with the biggest personality, she has the most expressive face, she pulls a stinky face when she smells something new and she has big adorable eyes when she wants something, but she is also excellent at glaring at me if I’m not doing what she wants! She loves carrying her fluffy pom poms around and she brings one to me when I go to bed every night which is super cute.

What are her favorite hobbies?

Her favorite hobby is probably napping, but she always likes to be in the same room as me and if I’ve gone into a different room while she’s not paying attention she’ll cry until I call her name so she knows I’m still here! She also loves playing with fluffy toys and carrying them around.

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