Cat Steals Neighbor’s Stuffed Tiger To ‘Release Back Into The Wild’

Cats are clever, often solving puzzling situations in the blink of an eye. One determined kitty noticed a neighbor’s child holding a plush tiger. She was immediately smitten and wanted nothing more than to get ahold of that precious toy. But she wasn’t quite sure, just yet, how she would go about it. Finally, the opportunity arose when the child put it down and went inside the house. Curious and tempted, the indoor/outdoor cat sprinted over and grabbed the toy with her mouth. The mischievous kitty felt victorious as she made her way through her house’s gate.

With the plush tiger safely in her mouth, she walked across the street to her property. She was in her glory! The toy was now hers, if only for a little while. As her mom filmed the scene, she alerted her neighbor that the tiger was only temporarily missing so the child wouldn’t get upset. The neighbor giggled and said it was okay.

As the kitty’s mom continued to film while standing back to give her cat some space, the feline ran into the wooded area by her home and let the tiger go. It was as if she was returning him to the wild! It is utterly ‘paw-dorable.’ Before she leaves the tiger to ‘live out his life on his own,’ she gives it a tackle and some frisky kitty love. This video, which has amassed over 8 million views, is too adorable and funny to miss. Just wait until you see the tiger in the wild!

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