Raccoon and Orphaned Fawn Share an Adorable Friendship Filled with Hugs

Friendships that cross species lines are always touching, especially when animals who have lost their families find comfort in each other. One beautiful example of this is a fawn and a raccoon who, despite their different backgrounds, formed an inseparable bond after both experiencing loss.

Carrie Long runs a nonprofit sanctuary in Texas called Texas Fawn and Friends, where she cares for orphaned deer. While her main focus is deer, her sanctuary is also home to an adorable raccoon named Jasper.

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Jasper’s journey to Carrie’s sanctuary started when he was just a few weeks old, alone and struggling in the middle of a rainstorm. His mother had abandoned him, and he was barely hanging on to life. “We weren’t sure he was going to make it,” Carrie told The Dodo. But despite the odds, Carrie gave him the care and attention he needed to survive.

Soon, Jasper made a full recovery. “His eyes had just opened. And he was the cutest thing ever,” Carrie shared with NBC DFW, remembering how quickly she grew attached to the little raccoon.

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From then on, Jasper remained at the sanctuary, even as he grew older and could have chosen to return to the wild. Carrie gave him the freedom to leave if he wanted, but Jasper seemed to enjoy his life at the sanctuary, where he indulges in treats like Rice Krispies and cat food.

One of Jasper’s favorite activities is interacting with the orphaned fawns that Carrie brings in. Having been orphaned himself, it’s as if Jasper understands their situation and offers comfort, just as he was once given. His connection with a particular fawn, named Hope, is especially heartwarming.

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Hope was brought to the sanctuary after her mother was found dead on the side of the road. From the moment Jasper met Hope, he took on a loving, almost protective role. Every time Jasper sees her, he rushes over, embracing her as if to reassure her that she’s not alone. “Jasper just loves her,” Carrie told The Dodo. “When he sees her, he runs to lick and love on her. It’s just the cutest thing.”

Carrie shared a sweet video of the two, which quickly gained attention online. In the footage, Jasper can be seen showing affection to Hope, while the fawn patiently accepts his hugs. According to Carrie, Jasper is much more expressive in their friendship, while Hope simply puts up with his excitement. “Jasper is kinda like that irritating little brother that you just gotta put up with,” Carrie joked. “He’s become very attached to Hope, and every time he sees her, he runs and jumps on her, and she just deals with it.”

They Bathed a Kitten in Windex and Dyed It Pink

They Bathed a Kitten in Windex and Dyed It Pink

A tiny kitten was dyed pink, then bathed in Windex and rubbing alcohol, causing hypothermia and shock. This disturbing case highlights a trend where acts of animal cruelty may intersect with untreated mental health issues. Demand authorities implement mandatory mental health counseling for individuals convicted of animal abuse.

Carrie was surprised by the viral response to the video and only realized it had blown up after her daughter pointed it out. But it’s no wonder people fell in love with this adorable pair. Their friendship is a touching reminder of how even the most unlikely creatures can come together to heal and comfort one another. We hope Jasper and Hope continue their sweet friendship for many years to come.

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