No Bad Hair Days For Barnaby The Cat, His Fluff Always Looks Good

You ever have those days your hair just won’t work with you? Or, do you have the kind of hair that has a mind of its own, leaving you to exist in a coifed mess? Barnaby the cat knows your pain! But while we do what we can to smooth our wild locks, Barnaby better not do a thing to tame his wild Persian fur! He’s purrfect just the way he is!

Persians are known for their long and lovely fur, and Barnaby certainly has a lot of that as his breed dictates, but what sets him apart from his flat-faced cousins is the scrumptiously scruffy way his coat fluffs and the huge tufts of fur that poof up like little wings from behind his ears. Couple his fine fur with the melancholy look of ponderance in his eyes and you have a Shaded Golden Doll Face Persian that will steal your heart in one flick of a feline tail!


Barnaby the Busy

You may recognize Barnaby as one of the Sleepy Cats and Dogs Caught with Adorable Bedhead. That face is just too cute to forget! But just who is Barnaby the cat?

Barnaby is a cat who lives life to the fullest, packing every day with cute cat work, explaining in a Q&A with CatCon, “Whether I’m taking a ten-hour nap, or watching dust float, I’m always very busy.”

Here’s Barnaby hard at work guarding the stairs…


The busy boy has to keep an eye on the yard, making sure the birds get watched…


He checks in with his Instagram fans, always having to assure he’s never had “ear fluff extensions” work done! His fluff is all-natural!


Then, there’s stretching out and napping…


And then it’s time for, oh, another nap!


How does Barnaby fit everything into his day? Surely, it’s a feat of feline magic that gets Barnaby through his jam-packed schedule.

Cute, Fluffy, and Spoiled

Even as a kitten, Barnaby had runaway fur that made him the scruffiest little doll. Now, all grown up, this handsome lad of five years old is pretty much king of the castle. His mom gave an example of Barnaby’s royal ways, telling Bored Panda, “He naps on my chair during the day so if I want to sit down, I have to sit on the floor.”


“He is very spoiled and likes to sleep about 20 hours a day.”

Barnaby couldn’t do all this catting without the help of his mom, dad, and two big sisters though. They keep him in top form and until recently, the beautiful Persian cat was an “only kitty” who got all his family’s attention. Now, big brother Barnaby shares the house with a cute and fluffy little sister. While his family was quite excited for the newcomer’s addition, “Barnaby wasn’t as welcoming.”


In fact, Barnaby touts the idea, “Being an only child is so underrated.”

For all his sass, he loves his little sister. But on his own terms. That’s how Barnaby lives his life though, his mom even saying, “He only likes to be petted when he’s in the mood. We love him.”

We love him and his wild fur too!


Feature Image: @barnaby_persian/Instagram

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