Mom Gives Dog Her Own Coat So He Stays Warm Waiting Outside

Mom Gives Dog Her Own Coat So He Stays Warm Waiting Outside

Dog owners love their furry little ones so much that they take care of them just like they would for their kids.

While waiting for the bus with her colleague on a cold day in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Kristina Hollie noticed a sweet dog running errands alongside his owner, the duo was about to go inside the post office, but then the woman got told that dogs are not allowed inside.

The owner had no other choice but to tie her canine to a tree outside the post office and to go inside without her lovely pet, when she tied him to a tree she took her jacket off and wrapped it around the animal’s shivering body.

Kind owner knew the little dog might get cold while waiting for her to finish her business inside the post office, the cute dog sat quiet and proudly in his spot while his mom put the jacket around him.

Before his mom began to walk inside the post office they shared a sweet head bump together. “As soon as she got up and walked past me, I told her that what she did was incredibly sweet and thoughtful,” said Hollie. “She replied, ‘Thank you! I don’t want him to be cold!’”

“It was very cold and windy. I noticed that he was visibly shaking. She obviously noticed too because she immediately took off her jacket and covered the dog as he sat. Maybe she thought he would kick it off, so she bent down and zipped it up around him,” Kristina Hollie said for The Dodo.

Other people that noticed the dog in jacket couldn’t help stop taking pictures of him, some of them even petted him on the head.333

“I saw two or three others passing by him and commented that he looked very cute and very warm,” said Hollie.

Hollie’s bus came and she had to say goodbye to the sweet dog, seeing the woman taking such a good care for her pet made her feel so good inside, there are still incredible sweet human beings out there.

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