This Poor Cat Was Deemed Aggressive But Kind Rescuers Never Gave Up On Him

This Poor Cat Was Deemed Aggressive But Kind Rescuers Never Gave Up On Him

This Poor Cat Was Deemed Aggressive But Kind Rescuers Never Gave Up On Him

This Poor Cat Was Deemed Aggressive But Kind Rescuers Never Gave Up On HimThis Poor Cat Was Deemed Aggressive But Kind Rescuers Never Gave Up On Him

I’ve tackled fostering before and one thing is certain – you never know what these poor souls went through before kind people saved them.

In today’s story, I’ll tell you about Pikameow, an adorable cat who sadly experienced the harsh street life of New York City.

cat sitting stillcat sitting still
Credit: Instagram

This poor soul was brought into a shelter and soon started showing signs of aggressive behavior. Pikameow was triggered by loud noises and sadly deemed unadoptable.

The shelter placed him on the emergency list for euthanasia and the poor boy was left there to await his final moments. However, little did he know his life was about to change completely…

cat biting her bedcat biting her bed
Credit: Instagram

When Meagan from PuppyKittyNYC heard about poor Pikameow she immediately rushed to pull him out of the shelter. The thought of him getting euthanized broke her heart into pieces.

However, once Pikameow came to Meagan’s shelter, the volunteers soon realized the poor soul had serious issues.

cat biting a toycat biting a toy
Credit: Instagram

He was triggered by almost everything, but mostly loud noises. In their efforts to soothe the poor soul, they bought him a stuffed toy and it soon proved to them he was a cuddle bug just like any other cat!

Unfortunately, the team at Puppy Kitty NYC couldn’t quite figure out why Pikameow was so troubled. They didn’t know what the poor boy went through and they could only hope a loving foster home would help him.

funny cat being snuggled by womanfunny cat being snuggled by woman
Credit: Instagram

Sadly, Pikameow spent months waiting for a loving foster parent. In their efforts to help him with his triggering issues, they eventually signed him up for a cat boot camp with the amazing foster mom Liz! 

Pikameow slowly started showing signs of improvement and his true personality shined through, as his foster mom Liz shared:

“He’s enjoying exploring the house, chirping up a storm, and likes to play. The other cats are more accepting of him today than the previous few days. No signs of any aggression from Pika and he’s heard the vacuum and some other appliances.”

cat on the carpetcat on the carpet
Credit: Instagram

This meant only one thing – Pikameow was ready for a real foster home! Luckily, one of the foster volunteers Minxie had the perfect home for him. There was little to trigger him there and he could peacefully enjoy his days!

The vet did prescribe him with some medication, as Minxie shared on her Instagram:

“We are taking baby steps and taking it slow, adhering to veterinary advice we are trying medication to treat anxiety and cat behavioral issues. Pika is doing great. Cat behavioral issues are treatable, don’t believe otherwise.”

woman kissing catwoman kissing cat
Credit: Instagram

I’m so grateful for these amazing rescuers and foster moms who never gave up on adorable Pika. He can now enjoy his life just like any other cat, making all the biscuits he wants!

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