Cat Hit By A Car Couldn’t Breathe Or Walk But No One Stopped To Help

Cat Hit By A Car Couldn’t Breathe Or Walk But No One Stopped To Help

Cat Hit By A Car Couldn’t Breathe Or Walk But No One Stopped To Help

Cat Hit By A Car Couldn’t Breathe Or Walk But No One Stopped To HelpCat Hit By A Car Couldn’t Breathe Or Walk But No One Stopped To Help

A black cat struggled to survive on the road after being hit by a car, unable to walk or even breathe properly. But, the most heartbreaking part was that no one had stopped to help the poor feline.

Fortune smiled upon the poor cat when devoted cat lovers and rescuers, Stoyan and Dessy, finally spotted her.

cat hitt by the carcat hitt by the car
Credit: YouTube

Moved by the sight of her dragging herself along the street, they immediately stepped in to help. 

Dessy gently wrapped the cat in a blanket, placed her in a pet carrier, and together, they rushed to the nearest vet clinic.

woman holding wrapped catwoman holding wrapped cat
Credit: YouTube

At the clinic, the couple was heartbroken by the severity of the cat’s condition and were surprised she even survived. 

She was bleeding and struggling to breathe. Further examination revealed the cat had broken teeth and skull fractures, causing her incredible pain. Her temperature was dangerously low, and she had fluid in her lungs.

injured cat trying to walkinjured cat trying to walk
Credit: YouTube

The cat, whom the couple named Feyra, needed urgent professional care. The vets warned that she could develop a blood clot and die within 48 hours, leaving Stoyan and Dessy heartbroken but hopeful.

Feyra was immediately hospitalized and received the necessary treatments. Although the chances of her survival were close to zero, Feyra defied all odds and proved to be the strongest fighter, who survived the worst.

cat sleeping under blue blanketcat sleeping under blue blanket
Credit: YouTube

Dessy and Stoyan were amazed by Feyra’s amazing transformation. In just a week, she could finally see and stand on her own, craving affection.

With each passing day, she made remarkable improvements that amazed everyone around her.

woman holding cat under scarfwoman holding cat under scarf
Credit: YouTube

After two weeks of hospitalization, Feyra was finally well enough to leave the clinic. Stoyan and Dessy were overjoyed to bring her home. 

Upon their arrival, Feyra began exploring her new home and met her other feline companions.

Although she sometimes lost orientation due to incomplete recovery of her central system functions, she gradually adjusted to her new life.

black kittenblack kitten
Credit: YouTube

The vets were unsure about Feyra’s full recovery, but Stoyan and Dessy see slight improvements every day and maintain their hope. 

After all, Feyra survived the worst, and now she has her entire life ahead of her. All she has to do is embrace it with her both paws!

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