Adorable Ragdoll Kitty Has The Cutest Way Of Entertaining Her Humans And It Involves Stairs

Adorable Ragdoll Kitty Has The Cutest Way Of Entertaining Her Humans And It Involves Stairs

Adorable Ragdoll Kitty Has The Cutest Way Of Entertaining Her Humans And It Involves Stairs

Adorable Ragdoll Kitty Has The Cutest Way Of Entertaining Her Humans And It Involves StairsAdorable Ragdoll Kitty Has The Cutest Way Of Entertaining Her Humans And It Involves Stairs

Are you ready for your daily dose of Ragdoll goofiness? You better buckle up because it’s heading your way!

The other day, while I was scrolling through YouTube, lost in the sea of adorable cat videos (don’t laugh at my hobby!), I came across a special Ragdoll kitty and her incredible stair routine.

Let me tell you, the stunts this little furball pulls off on the stairs of her forever home leave everyone amazed – and trust me, you won’t be an exception!

ragdoll kittenragdoll kitten
Credit: YouTube

The little feline star goes by the name Rahni, and she’s a true stair master!

According to her owner, Benicio Murray, Rahni loves to tumble, roll, flop, and slink down the stairs – and she just can’t help herself!

Seeing how much joy Rahni brings him, Benicio decided to share her unique antics online to spread some feline cheer with the world. 

So, if you’re feeling a bit under the weather today and need a pick-me-up, look no further! Rahni’s antics are sure to bring a smile to your face!

As most of us know, Ragdolls are widely recognized for their playful demeanor and friendly, inquisitive nature, coupled with a loving personality.

They may not be the most energetic fluffs in the feline world, but when it comes to performing silly antics, they’re pros! 

Whether it’s rolling down the stairs or giving their humans a playful surprise, these fluffy pals are full of fun!

kitten on stairskitten on stairs
Credit: YouTube

Who would’ve thought that Ragdolls are such goofballs? Well, I guess most seasoned cat enthusiasts, ha-ha. 

I mean, with all that fluff, a little silliness is inevitable, right?

Anyway, if you enjoyed this video, please share your thoughts in the comments below. Better yet, tell me about your silly feline companion! I’d love to hear all about them!

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