Despite A Rough Start, Fragile Kitten Purrs Her Way Into Recovery And Blossoms Into A Happy Fluff

Despite A Rough Start, Fragile Kitten Purrs Her Way Into Recovery And Blossoms Into A Happy Fluff

Despite A Rough Start, Fragile Kitten Purrs Her Way Into Recovery And Blossoms Into A Happy Fluff

Despite A Rough Start, Fragile Kitten Purrs Her Way Into Recovery And Blossoms Into A Happy FluffDespite A Rough Start, Fragile Kitten Purrs Her Way Into Recovery And Blossoms Into A Happy Fluff

Meet Clove, a beautiful gray kitten who arrived at Baby Kitten Rescue in Los Angeles, California, when she was just 10 days old. Clove was in desperate need of help, but fortunately, she was found just in time. 

Caroline Grace, the founder of Baby Kitten Rescue, said:

“She was found on a Thursday night all alone. The finders waited for the cat mama, but sadly, she never returned.”

Clove was in critical condition; she was covered in fleas, had a large scab under her right armpit, and suffered a severe infection. Determined to save her, Caroline took Clove in and began a critical care protocol to get her back to health. She said:

“Clove was severely dehydrated and crying nonstop in pain from her stomach problems.”

With antibiotics, fluid therapy, and other supplements, Clove started feeling much better after just a few hours. 

As soon as she regained energy, Clove hung onto her human’s hand with her front paws and started purring. Despite being tiny and young, Clove showed to be a cuddly purr machine with an incredible will to live.

After Ana, a volunteer of the rescue, met Clove, she immediately decided to take over treating Clove and round-the-clock feedings. Ana said:

“Within a week, Clove was latching and eating like a champ and blossoming into the silly, spunky, loving girl that she is.”

Despite everything she had been through, Clove felt comfortable around her rescuers and enjoyed all the attention she received.

“She had the loudest, most active purr motor as she snuggled and rolled around happy and full after each feeding.”

Later on, Ana brought Clove to her own home so she could keep up with her feeding schedule. Thanks to kind people who helped Clove and the unconditional love and care she received, the tiny kitty fully recovered, and her true personality began to shine.

Caroline said:

“She was so loved and adored (by everyone she came across), and it was obvious how safe and happy she felt. Ana continued bottle feeding her until, one day, Clove discovered dry food and decided she loved it!”

Caroline added:

“Clove is a playful, silly, curious, and sweet little purr monster. Despite her rough condition when she arrived, she has become a brave, adventurous, and loving kitten.”

When Clove was 10 weeks old, she was finally healthy, happy, and ready for a forever home. Caroline said:

“We found her the perfect home. When her new mom met her for the first time, it was true and immediate love – they had an instant connection.”

Clove couldn’t get a happier ending than this one. Before leaving for her new home, she was also spayed, so that she could enjoy her life to the fullest.

It brings joy to know that this little purr machine is now happy in her new home, filling the room with her rumbling purrs every day.

If you were touched by Clove’s heartwarming story, make sure you follow Baby Kitten Rescue on Instagram for more similar stories.

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