Stray Tuxedo Cat Secures Himself A Forever Home By Consistently Coming To This Man’s Window

Stray Tuxedo Cat Secures Himself A Forever Home By Consistently Coming To This Man’s Window

Stray Tuxedo Cat Secures Himself A Forever Home By Consistently Coming To This Man’s Window

Stray Tuxedo Cat Secures Himself A Forever Home By Consistently Coming To This Man’s WindowStray Tuxedo Cat Secures Himself A Forever Home By Consistently Coming To This Man’s Window

There are many funny and heartwarming stories about cats choosing their humans. However, each of these stories is special in its own way.

Meet Bojangles and Adrian, soulmates who can’t imagine their lives without each other. But, they weren’t always together. In fact, they were strangers to each other until some kind of connection sparked between them.

cat spying trough windowcat spying trough window
Source: YouTube

At that time, Adrian had just moved into his new apartment. Only after a few days, he started noticing a gorgeous-looking tuxedo cat sitting by his window and watching his every step.

The cat truly drew Adrian’s attention, so he went to approach him. He petted the cat who quickly went away seemingly uninterested. 

black and white cat spyingblack and white cat spying
Source: YouTube

Adrian thought the cat just came to the wrong window. But, that wasn’t the case. The next day, the tuxedo kitty came again, patiently sitting at Adrian’s window. Adrian recalled:

“It just kept happening again and again. He just kept coming closer and closer to the window.” 

So, every time the cat would come to Adrian’s window, he would pet him and feed him, and then the cat would go away. The cat’s visits became more and more frequent. 

cat staring trough windowcat staring trough window
Source: YouTube

The tuxedo kitty was really interested in this man, so he started visiting him during the night too. One morning, Adrian got a picture on the phone that took him by surprise:

“My flatmate sent me a picture. He used to wait outside my window until I came home.”

Slowly but surely, Adrian and the tuxedo kitty whom he named Bojangles, became very good friends. He started letting him inside, and he could come and go whenever he wanted. Adrian said:

“It was like an open house. He would just come in and check out the space.”

guy and black and white catguy and black and white cat
Source: YouTube

One day, Bojangles came inside the house and didn’t want to leave at all. So, the two of them started having lots of fun. Bojangles would chill on the desk while Adrian was working, and then they would cuddle, sleep, and even play.

Everything was super fun, but Adrian started worrying. He thought that Bojangles had another family that was probably looking for him, which would also explain his friendly personality. 

cat postercat poster
Source: YouTube

He then made a post and shared it around the neighborhood and on social media, saying:

“Is this your cat? If so, he’s cheating on you. He kept staring at me through my bedroom window and now comes in to hang out every day. He just sleeps on my bed and stares at me while I work. I don’t feed him, but I do love him.”

However, his posts were in vain as no one said anything. Adrian found out from his neighbors that Bojangles was just always around their neighborhood. 

cat standing on a guycat standing on a guy
Source: YouTube

After learning that, there was only one right thing to do – adopt him and give him a forever home. Adrian and Bojangles continued bonding and living an entertaining life. He said:

“I used to wake up to seeing him looking at me through my window, and now I wake up with him next to me in my bed.”

Not only did Bojangles’s life turn around, but even Adrian’s quality of life improved, thanks to his furry roommate. 

guy laying downguy laying down
Source: YouTube

Adrian often had sleeping troubles, but Bojangles helped him sleep more, by cuddling on top of him. That way, Adrian couldn’t move but sleep. 

Although they’re different species, Adrian and Bojangles have their own way of communicating, and it’s perfect. He added:

“He’s a cat, and I’m a person, but there are ways we can interact, and I really enjoy those little moments…”

cat and chesscat and chess
Source: YouTube

Once Adrian shared their lovely story on the Internet, it gained a lot of attention and support. Some of the most popular comments were:

“You can’t reject a cat who is wearing a tuxedo.”

“The cat scouted him for days to see if he is worthy enough.”

“He knew that you needed him in your life. I love stories like this.”

“No, he’s not your cat, you’re his human, now.”

guy and his catguy and his cat
Source: YouTube

From the beginning of the story, it is obvious that Bojangles chose Adrian to be his human companion, and Adrian finally realizes that it is a big compliment and honor when a cat chooses to hang out with you.

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