17-Year-Old Cat, Given Up After Owner’s Passing, Gets Another Chance At Happiness

17-Year-Old Cat, Given Up After Owner’s Passing, Gets Another Chance At Happiness

17-Year-Old Cat, Given Up After Owner’s Passing, Gets Another Chance At Happiness

17-Year-Old Cat, Given Up After Owner’s Passing, Gets Another Chance At Happiness17-Year-Old Cat, Given Up After Owner’s Passing, Gets Another Chance At Happiness

It’s disheartening to see how many owners abandon their cats when they’re no longer able to take care of them. For various reasons, those poor fluffs find themselves on the streets or, if they’re lucky, in a shelter. 

However, each scenario is tough for them, especially considering they were once accustomed to a warm and loving home. To make matters worse, it’s even more heartbreaking when that sudden change strikes them in the autumn of their lives. 

A few years ago, a similar fate befell the heroine of our story today. 

Kiki was a 17-year-old feline when she was dropped off at the shelter. Her previous owner had passed away, leaving her at the mercy of the rest of the family.

Perhaps due to Kiki’s old age or their general indifference toward cats, the relatives decided they couldn’t take care of her. So they gave her away, hoping that someone else might offer her a loving home.

Although she was very much welcome at the shelter, Kitty Adventure Rescue League And Sanctuary from Texas felt like Kiki deserved more. They said:

“We couldn’t just let her stay there. We run a sanctuary for special needs and geriatric cats. You’d be surprised how many people would rather dump the old cat at a shelter or on the streets…”

So they decided to adopt her! In a matter of days, Kiki had traded shelter life for a loving home full of fellow feline friends and two amazing humans. She got a perfect place where she could finally enjoy her retirement – just as she deserved!

Kiki enjoyed hanging out with other kitties, lounging around half of the day, and cuddling with her new pawrents. She never missed a chance to express her gratitude to her beloved rescuers.

Her owners shared:

“We rescued her, and now she tells us every day how happy she is. She really likes her new family here at KARL.”

This story is a great reminder that senior kitties are equally worthy of adoption. There’s truly no reason to walk past them in a shelter. 

Sure, adopting a kitten is great, and raising one can be an exciting experience. However, offering a loving home to an older feline is so much more rewarding. 

So, if you wish to become a new cat parent or extend your feline family, I wholeheartedly encourage you to consider adopting an elderly one. Trust me, you’ll find it incredibly fulfilling. 


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