Three Arizona Organizations Set Out To Rescue A 10-Week-Old Kitten Trapped In An Underground Pipe

Three Arizona Organizations Set Out To Rescue A 10-Week-Old Kitten Trapped In An Underground Pipe

Three Arizona Organizations Set Out To Rescue A 10-Week-Old Kitten Trapped In An Underground Pipe

Three Arizona Organizations Set Out To Rescue A 10-Week-Old Kitten Trapped In An Underground PipeThree Arizona Organizations Set Out To Rescue A 10-Week-Old Kitten Trapped In An Underground Pipe

Every day, numerous cat rescue missions unfold worldwide, but this particular one in Safford, Arizona, was so huge that it needed more than just one organization to make it successful.

The Desert Cat Rescue & Sanctuary of Arizona, Safford Fire Department, and 3G Plumbing all joined forces to rescue a 10-week-old kitten trapped in an underground pipe.

The rescue mission began when two college students heard the kitten’s cries echoing nearby. Having previously adopted a cat from Desert Cat Rescue, they knew exactly who to call.

Upon receiving the distress call, the rescue team immediately arrived at the specific location. However, rescuing the kitten wasn’t quite easy. Cheryl Christensen, the founder and director of Desert Cat Rescue, said:

“We all absolutely agreed there was a kitty in that wall. We just couldn’t locate it.”

Due to locating issues, the rescue reached out to the Safford Fire Department for help. After a while of searching for the kitten, the team members figured out the kitten’s cries were coming from the drainage pipes.

They realized the neighboring vacant house had an open pipe in the backyard where the poor kitten had probably fallen in.

Unable to continue with the rescue mission on their own, the team contacted 3G Plumbing, who quickly arrived at the location. 

Their camera revealed the kitten was five feet underground, close to the main sewage line. The urgency grew as they realized the kitten got drenched with every flush from nearby residences.

Realizing that, they had no time to waste and needed to rescue the kitten as soon as possible. 

Together, they came up with a plan to bring the kitten to safety. 3G Plumbing used a motorized plumbing snake to block the exit to the dangerous sewage. 

The firefighters removed the toilet and used a camera snake to gently guide the kitten towards an exit. 

The teams even played videos of a mama cat meowing to coax the kitten out. Finally, after several exhausting hours, the tiny kitten was finally rescued. 

They named the kitten Echo, inspired by his cries echoing from underground. Echo needed a safe place and professional care, but the rescue couldn’t take him due to the late hour.

Fortunately, Chris, a compassionate member of 3G Plumbing, stepped in to take Echo home for the night, with Cheryl ensuring he had everything necessary for his care.

The next morning, Chris brought Echo to the emergency vet. Despite the ordeal, Echo was found to be healthy, though he still needed to receive some antibiotics. But then, the most heartwarming thing happened.

What was initially meant as a temporary arrangement quickly evolved into a permanent bond. Chris, having grown fond of Echo, decided to make the little survivor a permanent member of his family, affectionately renaming him Gremlin.

May this heartwarming rescue tale inspire us all to never ignore the cries of kittens in need. Always reach out for help because you never know – it might just guide you to your next feline companion, just like it guided Chris.

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