Rescuer Takes A Pregnant Stray Cat In And Get The Best Gift In Return

Rescuer Takes A Pregnant Stray Cat In And Get The Best Gift In Return

Rescuer Takes A Pregnant Stray Cat In And Get The Best Gift In Return

Rescuer Takes A Pregnant Stray Cat In And Get The Best Gift In ReturnRescuer Takes A Pregnant Stray Cat In And Get The Best Gift In Return

This black and white cat, you see in the photos, was spotted wandering the streets. She was pregnant at the time, looking for a safe place…

Luckily, good-hearted people noticed her and realized she needed veterinary care and a secure place to stay. She had infected wounds on her neck and chest, and her rescuers presumed she had been abandoned or neglected for a while.

They nursed her back to health and provided her with a safe space to deliver her babies.

It was all done side by side with their local rescue, Salty Animal Rescue, where their hope was to find a home for the mama cat and all her five kittens. 

This sweet mama cat, named Oreo, was friendly from the moment they met her. She was so happy to have a home after wandering the streets for so long. Katelyn and Karly, the cofounders of Salty Animal Rescue shared:

“They will never need to live on the street again and will never add to the overpopulation of stray and feral cats in our community.”

“Mama Oreo is the most loving girl. She was always making sure her babies were cared for. We are so happy that her finders stepped in just in time.”

Oreo purred like crazy and didn’t take her eyes off her babies. She was so grateful and happy to have a safe home for her kittens, and even happier to be getting all the love and attention from her caregivers.

After about two weeks, the kittens opened their eyes and started walking beside their mama. Oreo continued nursing and grooming them, so they’d be clean and pretty at any moment. 

Even though she was abandoned and who knows what she’s been through, Oreo never stopped trusting people and never lost her affectionate side. She enjoyed the cuddles of her rescuers and welcomed all the love they gave her. 

“She was obsessed with foster dad Chris and was constantly purring and bunting.”

Oreo’s cute babies got an upgrade to a more spacious spot, where they began exploring and running around. The kittens quickly learned that they could wrestle each other and go after their mama’s tail. 

“Oreo did an amazing job raising her babies and continued being the sweetest girl. She made best friends with our resident dog, Nood, and happily shared her babies with her. The kittens were showing their personalities more each day.”

The kittens, now named Clara, Tinsel, Griswold, Noel, and Juniper, learned to use their litter boxes in no time, passing one milestone after another. 

That’s when Oreo began stepping back and let them become more independent. She enjoyed the company and attention of her humans even more. 

“She loved her treats so much that she demanded them and was extra loving every night.”

After spending weeks in foster care, this feline family of six was ready to start a new journey in their fur-ever homes. 

Oreo was overjoyed when a family came by to meet her and welcome her into their home! They were smitten with her and wanted to give her all the love they could!

“Oreo and her five babies are all officially in their forever homes, and we could not be happier for them. They all lucked out with the best adopters. They get to call their new families and warm, cozy houses home, instead of the freezing streets.”

I hope you enjoyed this heartwarming story. Feel free to share it with your friends!

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