Purrfectly Darling Mama Cat Enjoying The Foster Life With Her 6 Kittens

Mama cat Eevee found herself in a tough situation raising six kittens on her own and outside. She was doing her best, but so many young kittens can be hard to care for when you’re a kitty struggling on the streets. It can be challenging enough to find enough food to keep yourself healthy, much less scavenge enough calories to maintain enough milk for half-a-dozen hungry kittens.

Luckily, kindness saved the tabby family when an animal lover found Eevee and her babies and brought them to the Wilco Regional Animal Shelter in Williamson County, Texas. And from there, the furry seven were put in foster care with Megyn the Kitten Konnoisseur and cat foster mom extraordinaire.

A Perfect Cat

When it comes to adult cats taken into rescue and foster care, some kitties take a while to adjust to the routine of indoor living, but others settle in with no problem at all. Eevee is one of the chill cats that fit right in, and she’s got Megyn smitten.

“Does a perfect cat exist?! If they do, then it would be Eevee,” Megyn shared on Instagram. “She is truly one of the most well adjusted cats I’ve ever met. She gets along with everyone in our house easily, has perfect litter box manners, likes to chat, and is an all around dreamboat.”

That Eevee is such a tabby angel makes it hard to think someone could have cast her aside because she was pregnant. But that just might have been the case for Eevee. While her past remains a mystery, her future is sure to be good.

As Megyn told Love Meow, “We weren’t sure how she’d do in a house, but quickly came to find that she had clearly been a house cat.”

And now Eevee is a house cat again and teaching her kittens to enjoy the indoor life too!

The Best Mama

Eevee is a purrfect darling and “an amazing mama who watches her kittens closely but also very open to humans handling the babies.”

She’s thankful for Megyn’s help feeding the kittens because that many mouths is a lot to manage, and Eevee’s body couldn’t keep up with all those hungry kittens. Megyn was happy to supply some supplementary nutrition so everyone could grow big and strong! And because Eevee is such a good mama cat, she ensures everybody is there when it’s feeding time.

“She has special calls for her kittens,” Megyn explained. “When it is feeding time, she will extend a paw and lightly grab her babies as they are walking by.”

With the babies growing up and becoming more independent, Eevee is getting much-deserved time to relax. And she’s made herself quite comfy in Megyn’s home, the proud foster mom sharing, “She is the most laidback and friendly mama cat I’ve met. She’s unfazed by anything, even loud, rowdy puppies.”

“It’s hard to find an adult cat who can handle the chaos of our house, but she can. She’s going to make someone an amazing companion.”

Thanks to Megyn and the Wilco Regional Animal Shelter, Eevee and her kittens will never have to fend for themselves outdoors and will only know the happiness of forever homes!

H/T: www.lovemeow.com
Feature Image: @kittenkonnoisseur/Instagram

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