Guy Rescues An Orange Kitten And Gains A Companion On His Cross-Country Cleaning Adventures

Guy Rescues An Orange Kitten And Gains A Companion On His Cross-Country Cleaning Adventures

Guy Rescues An Orange Kitten And Gains A Companion On His Cross-Country Cleaning Adventures

Guy Rescues An Orange Kitten And Gains A Companion On His Cross-Country Cleaning AdventuresGuy Rescues An Orange Kitten And Gains A Companion On His Cross-Country Cleaning Adventures

Life is full of unexpected discoveries! You never know when you’re going to stumble upon something or someone that’ll instantly change your life – for better or for worse.

Bryce Even from Berthoud, Colorado, had such surprise coming his way during one of his cleaning missions hidden inside an abandoned double-decker bus. 

Even though he never thought of becoming a cat dad, that’s exactly what happened to him. Let’s hear the entire story!

man opening up a vent with a drillman opening up a vent with a drill
Credit: @froglegfilez

That day Bryce heard some loud cries coming from the said bus. He knew they belonged to kittens who were trapped somewhere inside, but he just couldn’t determine their exact location. 

He got to work on setting them free, not knowing what condition he’d actually find them in. 

Bryce eventually discovered three tiny orange kittens. Unfortunately, one had already passed, and the other one followed his path across The Rainbow Bridge the following day as well.

This turn of events transformed Bryce from a bystander to a dedicated cat dad in a matter of moments.

photo of orange cat lyingphoto of orange cat lying
Credit: @froglegfilez

He named the remaining kitten Greg, a small creature with a fighting spirit, vowing to provide the care needed to ensure Greg wouldn’t meet the same fate as his siblings. 

As Bryce stepped into his new role, he held onto hope that Greg would thrive under his care, marking the beginning of an unexpected yet profound bond between them.

man carrying trash bag and kennelman carrying trash bag and kennel
Credit: @froglegfilez

When it comes to Bryce, you’d be surprised to learn about the kind of life this man leads. 

Believe it or not, for over a year he’s been traveling across America in his van, removing thousands of pounds of litter from beautiful places all over the country! 

So far he’s removed large amounts of other people’s trash from Colorado, Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, Arizona, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

You may be wondering, “Is it possible to include nursing an orphaned kitten in such a busy lifestyle?” And the answer is a resounding – Yes! 

No matter how busy you are or how demanding your everyday schedule is, if a cat comes your way – you make it work! The Cat Distribution System doesn’t pick and choose, and Bryce is well aware of that. 

Recalling the first few days with Greg, Bryce said:

“I didn’t want a cat. It wasn’t until I actually started feeding him each day, I felt like this was my baby and there was really nothing else but taking care of him. That was the priority.”

orange cat on man's shoulderorange cat on man's shoulder
Credit: @froglegfilez

So basically, that’s how this kind man from Berthoud, Colorado gained a furry travel companion on his cleaning escapades. 

With each passing day, Greg grew bigger and healthier, and his bond with Bryce grew stronger. And once Greg reached the right age, Bryce made sure to get him fully vaccinated and fixed – you know, being responsible and all.

The orange fluff turned out to be quite the character, keeping Bryce entertained with his playful antics. Just check out this video Bryce posted on his TikTok profile. Isn’t Greg just the silliest cat ever?

When Bryce talks about his cat, he says Greg’s got “an attitude as big as Texas.” He jokes about Greg being a troublemaker, always nibbling on blankets and playfully attacking Bryce.

“I call him Fuego Greggo, my spicy kitty.”

orange kitten reaching up on man's legorange kitten reaching up on man's leg
Credit: @froglegfilez

And when it comes to cat parenthood, Bryce sums it up perfectly:

“The joy is always having somebody to play with. There’s always somebody there.”

I think this perfectly describes what it’s like to own a cat. Ask any cat parent, and they’d say that the pure happiness a cat’s company brings can hardly be compared with anything.

As for Bryce’s cross-country cleaning gig, he plans on keeping it up – with Greg riding shotgun, of course. Cleaning up the country with a cat by your side? Sounds like a dream come true!

photo of cat on man's shoulderphoto of cat on man's shoulder
Credit: @froglegfilez

I hope Bryce’s story inspires people to adopt needy kitties and reminds us all to stop littering. It’s bad for us, the environment, and the stray cats forced to live outdoors. 

Remember what Bryce says, “Do for nature, and nature will do for you!” Let’s never forget that. 

If you want to keep up with Bryce and Greg’s adventures, follow Bryce on Instagram and TikTok

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