Kitten Can See Forever In His Future After Foster Family Helps Heal His Ulcerated Eye

Corneal ulcers occur in feline eyes for several reasons, but trauma to the eye is generally the cause. And when an ulcer occurs, it’s painful for the cat and can appear quite gruesome. These ulcers cause severe damage, sometimes causing afflicted cats to lose an eye.

And this was the question Shrimp Linguine faced when taken into the care of Chicago Animal Care and Control. Would he lose his eye to the painfully bulging ulcer plaguing him? Young, weak, and covered in fleas, tiny Shrimp needed big help, and One Tail at a Time was ready.

Excellent Care and Lots of Love

When Shrimp arrived at One Tail at a Time in Chicago, Illinois, he was in pretty bad shape.

As the rescue shared on Facebook, “We thought for sure that he was going to lose his eye and we were prepared to get him into surgery to remove it.”

Before resorting to removal, though, they wanted to try saving Shrimp’s eye. It didn’t look so good at first, with Kimberly Thomas of One Tail at a Time explaining to Love Meow, “His eye didn’t seem responsive but we prescribed him medication to see if we could save the eye.”

And with Brandy and her family fostering little Shrimp, he had the best place for healing. And he knew it too!

“Right when we took him out of the box, he was purring and so happy to be in a warm home,” Brandy told LoveMeow. “He was playful and spirited from his first evening with us. He had no clue he was in as rough of shape as he was.”

Shrimp’s pawsitive attitude went miles in helping him heal. He endured the eye medicine politely and behaved very well during his first bath, and Brandy thinks the sweet kitten “really appreciated it.”

Within two days, young Shrimp was already doing much better and charming the entire family.

“He was super affectionate, loved cuddles, had the sweetest purr, ate like a champ with some assistance, and used the litter box like a gentleman.”

Gentleman Kitten with a Touch of Wild

But like the most dashing of gentlemen, Shrimp also had a wild side that began to bust out as he healed.

“Shrimp has brought us so many laughs,” said Brandy. “He is just the right amounts of feisty and tender, and flipped back and forth between the two with no warning, which definitely kept us on our toes.”

After only two and half weeks, it became clear Shrimp would keep his eye!

“He is tiny but mighty and he’s proven that where there is a will, there is a way. We have no doubts that he is going to live his very best life.”

“We feel so grateful to have been able to help Shrimp when he needed it.”

Soon, he’ll be ready for adoption as a healthy boy with both his eyes, thanks to the magic of rescue and foster care.

Feature Image: One Tail at a Time/Facebook

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