Kitten With Mangled Legs Is Healing With His New Family’s Love

What cats can endure is amazing, but what they sometimes must endure can be heart-wrenching. Pascoe is a young cat who knows this terrible fact all too well.

He was found on the Blair family property with his back legs cut halfway off. Pascoe was actually walking on the bone stumps of his back legs; his body was so emaciated, you could see his bones beneath his ginger fur. A tragedy for a cat of any age to endure, Pascoe was only 12-weeks-old when the Blairs found him.

Sophie Blair, Pascoe’s new mom, thinks someone dumped the poor kitten on their property after cruelly abusing him. Pascoe’s past is unknown, but what was for sure, he was in dire trouble.

“He wanted help,” Sophie told News 9 of New Zealand. “He was meowing like non-stop when we first saw him, but he was scared and wouldn’t come near us.”

As Pascoe the kitten tells it on a Givealittle page set up to fund his medical bills, “I made my way out for food when my new family saw me but I was so scared, I hobbled away to the shed where I was well protected and safe to hide, my new family caught me with a cat trap.”

Healing in His Forever Home

And once they had him, it was right to the veterinarian for this ill and injured baby. The family learned Pascoe was malnourished to the point of muscle wasting and suffering infection in his mangled legs. He would need surgery, but between the starvation and the infection, the little boy just wasn’t strong enough.

It would be a week before he saw the operating table, but once there, the vet was able to pull skin down over the bone and stitch it to form a stump that could heal in a healthy way.

With the infection beaten back, Pascoe is now on the mend, Sophie reporting, “His legs are healing beautifully and are looking so clean.”

And now, the sweet ginger tabby kitten is learning what love feels like as an official member of the Blair family. He’s learned the joy of play and the comfort of a full tummy. Kisses and snuggles aren’t bad either.

As Pascoe proved himself such a brave kitten, striving toward triumph over the painful loss of his legs, he earned his name in honor of Paralympian Sophie Pascoe of New Zealand. And once he’s a little older, Pascoe will be fitted with prosthetics. Like his namesake, he’s destined for more great things to come!

“He has been a very strong wee man,” shared Sophie. “We are so proud of him.”

Follow Pascoe the Great’s journey on TikTok and watch this tough kitten enjoy his forever home.


#saveanimal #cute #surgery #animalabuse #kitten #survivor #animal

♬ Remember That Night? – Sara Kays

Feature Image: @pascoethegreat/TikTok

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