Woman Wakes Up To Discover A Strange Cat Carelessly Lounging In Her Bed

Woman Wakes Up To Discover A Strange Cat Carelessly Lounging In Her Bed

Woman Wakes Up To Discover A Strange Cat Carelessly Lounging In Her Bed

Woman Wakes Up To Discover A Strange Cat Carelessly Lounging In Her BedWoman Wakes Up To Discover A Strange Cat Carelessly Lounging In Her Bed

Can you imagine waking up only to find a strange cat carelessly lying next to you in bed, knowing that it’s not your cat?

Well, that’s exactly what happened to Jacey Jonnson!

a black and white cat is lying on the beda black and white cat is lying on the bed

Johnson is a proud cat parent to one cat, and she’s also a foster mom to two other cats. One morning, she woke up thinking the cat lounging next to her was one of her cats.

But, she immediately realized that the cat lying next to her wasn’t hers at all. Instead, it was a mysterious cat who had made itself at home in her bed.

the cat licks itself on the bedthe cat licks itself on the bed

The story quickly began to unfold. This mysterious cat turned out to be Felix, who had visited and entered the homes of several of Jonnson’s neighbors. 

cat on a mugcat on a mug

Johnson didn’t know whose cat that was, so she brought him outside. But apparently, Felix really loved it there. He kept using the cat door to enter the house and wasn’t really rushing home. 

the girl is lying next to the catthe girl is lying next to the cat

Already desperate, Jonnson took the chance on Facebook, hoping to find Felix’s owners. Her posts about this hilarious incident went viral, and Felix quickly became an internet sensation.

black and white cat sleeps on the bedblack and white cat sleeps on the bed

Among many people, the Facebook post also reached Felix’s owners, who arrived to pick him up. They explained that Felix and his brother are very young, adventurous cats who love to wander around.

I find Felix to be a very funny and smart kitty. He found a comfortable place to stay, carelessly waiting for his owners to come and pick him up.

the cat sleeps stretched outthe cat sleeps stretched out

But the funny part is that Felix wasn’t the only cat who snuck into Jonnson’s house. One time, even six cats managed to enter her house through the cat door.

the cat sleeps in the boxthe cat sleeps in the box

She explained that such things happen very often, especially when it’s raining, and cats are looking for a safe and dry place. After many incidents, she started thinking about getting a microchip-sensitive cat door.

cute black and white cat sleepingcute black and white cat sleeping

Meanwhile, our furry wanderer Felix is now safe in his home with his family. After gaining some popularity, his family created an Instagram account where everyone can enjoy seeing his everyday activities. 

two black and white cats are sitting next to the puzzletwo black and white cats are sitting next to the puzzle

Go and check him out; I bet he’ll make you smile! And cats, well, what can I say? They’re always full of surprises, aren’t they?


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