This Domesticated Caracal Is As Cuddly As A Domestic Cat

This Domesticated Caracal Is As Cuddly As A Domestic Cat

This Domesticated Caracal Is As Cuddly As A Domestic Cat

This Domesticated Caracal Is As Cuddly As A Domestic CatThis Domesticated Caracal Is As Cuddly As A Domestic Cat

Did you ever think that a wild cat breed could be a house pet? Neither did I. 

This story proves to us that it’s possible to own a caracal cat as a pet. He might look a bit dangerous, but he is as sweet and as cuddly as any other domestic cat. 

Pumba, the caracal, lives with his owner Deniss Jegorovs. There, it is legal to keep a caracal as a pet. Pumba is very affectionate and simply hates being left alone. He sounds like my cat, to be honest.

As unbelievable as it may seem, Pumba, a wild caracal, is living the life of an indoor domestic cat.

Even though Pumba is larger than our usual domesticated feline friends, he enjoys his domesticated life. Check it out:

Pumba’s owner has also set up an Instagram account for all of those who like seeing Pumba and his daily adventures. 

There, we found out that Pumba likes to sleep and nap as much as any pet cat. He hates being alone and loves watching TV with his owners. Also, there’s nothing he loves more than spending time with Deniss.

Pumba also likes spending time with the other pets in the house; a British Shorthair cat and a ginger Maine Coon. 

You simply can’t tell who’s got the loudest purr. Pumba, or this ginger Maine Coon.

Pumba tends to hiss a lot, but it seems like that’s just his quirk. He doesn’t seem angry or anything, as a matter of fact, he headbutts Deniss after hissing. Maybe Pumba doesn’t know how to express his feelings, so a little hiss happens here and there.

Deniss also explains how Pumba screams if he ever feels lonely. He really hates being left alone and his main hobby is overlooking everything his owners do.

Pumba is also very smart and Deniss says that’s why his expression of love is more intense than that of a regular domestic cat. When he takes Pumba out for walks, they certainly get a lot of looks!

“People are usually excited to see Pumba for the first time, but some people are scared of him and ask if he is dangerous.”

People wanted to take photos of him and with him when he was smaller, but now not so much. 

However, Pumba still seems like a purrfect house pet to me. I mean, he wakes up early in the morning and begs for food. Sounds familiar? My domestic cats do the same!

Deniss says that the main challenge, or let’s say, the main difference between Pumba and domestic cats, is trying to keep him inside of his territory. 

I believe that a lot of us have dealt with this “issue” at some point. I can understand how it’s a bigger problem when you’ve got a caracal to watch after.

Once you adopt a wild cat and train it to live like a house cat, especially at a young age, that’s it. That cat can only survive in a household environment. 

Deniss adopted Pumba when he was just a few months old, and he has adjusted to his home environment as a regular house cat. Just look at how cute he was when he was a baby:

Exploring Pumba and his lifestyle, I’d say that the main difference is the food type and size of his meals.

He eats more, and he eats raw meat. Other than that, he seems to fit perfectly into his role as a domestic household pet cat. Even his litter tray isn’t bigger than a Maine Coon litter tray

I think that the most important thing is that the animal is healthy, happy, and well taken care of.

From what we see on Pumba’s Instagram profile, he is living his best life. 
See also: Hecker Cat From Beluga Cinematic Universe Is A Real Cat!

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